We want to thank all of July 8, 2023, HSV Urban Deer Hunt Orientation and Field Day attendees.
Here are a few reminders:
- A second and final registration and orientation is on August 5, 2023, at 7:00 a.m. at the Hot Springs Village Archery Range. The range is located off of Fenix. You can preregister for this qualification by visiting HSVUrbanDeerHunt.com. Follow the small blue signs starting at the intersection of Fenix and DeSoto. Click here to read more about the second orientation.
- All first-time Urban Deer Hunt hunters MUST attend the field day. If you have not already attended and registered for the field day, you may go to the following link to do so. https://register-ed.com/events/view/201183
- The link provided for the July 8 orientation is no longer valid for registering. If you took the field day on July 8 and DID NOT register, you must register using the link above. You will not get your IBEP card without registering and completing the field day.
- Fax or text a copy of the certificate showing you completed the IBEP online course, passed the test, and paid the $30 fee. (501) 539-0181
- Failure to do the above will result in your dash placard being voided, and YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 2023-2024 HUNT.
- No more than two stands per registered hunter.
- To make arrangements to pick up your deer tags this week, contact Superintendent Todd Noles by calling (501) 984-3800 or email TNoles@hsvpoa.org. Initially, five tags are issued per hunter. The Superintendent also said he would be available on Saturday, August 5, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for hunters to pick up their tags. No appointment is necessary for Saturday. Noles’ office is located at “The Pit.” (See the map below.)
- If a deer is taken out of Hot Springs Village, it has to be checked as taken out of the Hot Springs Village Urban Hunt.
- The first deer taken must be donated to Hunters Feeding the Hungry. A refrigerated trailer will be at the Cortez Fire Station for deer dropoff.
Noles said, “There have been 150 hunters registered, and around 50 additional hunters are expected to attend the August 5 orientation.” The second orientation will be conducted by Todd Noles, Scott McCord (Common Property, Forestry, and Wildlife Committee Vice-chair), and Mark Quinton (POA Board Director). An accounting staff member will collect the registration fees.

“We [HSVPOA] have donated $5,000 to Hunters Feeding the Hungry. The rest of the money will go towards promoting archery in local schools and improving the Village Archery Range,” stated Noles.
Noles said there will be incentive awards for the most deer donated to Hunters Feeding the Hungry. The top donor will receive $250, with $150 and $100 awarded to the next two contenders.

By Todd Noles, Scott McCord, and Cheryl Dowden