Lieutenant General (Retired) Jeffrey Lofgren, Senior Advisor of the Hot Springs Village Veterans Memorial Foundation, would like to cordially invite all Hot Springs Village residents to the 2023 Veterans Day Ceremony. The ceremony is scheduled for Friday, November 10, 2023, at 10:00 AM in the Woodlands Auditorium. The theme of this year’s ceremony will be the Cold War, with recognition of veterans serving in the deterrence of Soviet Union Aggression around the world.
The guest speaker will be Lieutenant General (Retired) Darryl Roberson, Executive Director of Washington Operations for GE Aerospace. General Roberson is a current property owner renovating a home for his eventual retirement to Hot Springs Village.
Patriotic Songs will be performed by the Jessieville High School Choir and the Hot Springs Village’s Voices Rising.
The Veterans Memorial Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of the Hot Springs Village Veterans Memorial. The Veterans Memorial Foundation is also responsible for the planning and funding of the long-term care of the memorial infrastructure and landscaping. This memorial care is made possible through funding from direct contributions to the Veterans Memorial Foundation, sale of commemorative paver bricks honoring a veteran, and from funds generated by the Veterans Memorial Endowment Fund.
This year, the Hot Springs Village Rotary Club will host a lunch for all veterans and their families in honor of their service to the United States of America. This lunch will be immediately following the ceremony at the Ponce De Leon Center.