Hot Springs Village Tests Ecologically Sound and Cost Savings Method to Repair Maderas

Ken Unger, Hot Springs Village Public Services Director, implemented an ecologically sound and cost savings road repair method known as “full-depth reclamation” to rehabilitate the inbound lane into the Diamante neighborhood (Maderas Drive). This article also addresses the recent Barcelona Road Mill and Replace Project and touches on Barcelona Road Fogging Project.

What is full-depth reclamation?

According to Kimley-Horn, an engineering and design consulting firm, in an article titled “Full-Depth Reclamation: Sustainable Asset Management Reduces Costs and Saves Time,” Full-depth reclamation (FDR) “is the process of pulverizing all layers of existing asphalt pavements in place to depths of up to 20 inches… The pulverized layers are reclaimed to provide a homogeneous base layer to support a new, thinner surface layer section of asphalt. FDR is best for high-severity distressed or failed pavements, where rehabilitation methods, including maintenance or mill and overlay, are not enough to rejuvenate the pavement.”

Why use full-depth reclamation?

According to the article, compared to other options, full-depth reclamation provides cost and time savings, resulting in a stronger structure and the reduction of waste.

Unger explains the full-depth reclamation process on Maderas Drive

Unger stated, “We milled off two inches from the top [of Maderas Drive.]. They took the next twelve inches and ground it up, adding cement to the material and rolling it out. It has to cure for about seven days. The curing process ends this Friday [ July 28].” Unger shared that, fortunately, the weather has been good during the project timeframe. The concrete had to remain moist so that it cured properly. Paving [top layer] on Maderas is anticipated to begin the week of Monday, July 31, but this is dependent on weather conditions and the results from core samples.

Public Services Director Addresses Flaws in Recent Barcelona Road Mill & Replace Project

On another note, at a Public Services Committee Meeting on July 27, 2023, the Public Services Director said, “As far as the mill and replace [on Barcelona Road] is concerned, the contract work was completed about a week ago. We have some quality issues that we are evaluating right now. Our engineer came out and did core samples on the overlay sections this morning. We’ll get some answers there. We have some areas where rippling is occurring on Barcelona Road near the golf cart crossing. We’re trying to understand why that is happening. The contractor is working with us to correct it.” Final payment to the contractor has not been made.

This project included milling off and reusing the existing asphalt surface materials and also reshaping the road for better drainage.

Additionally, fog sealing (also known as scrub sealing) on the rest of Barcelona Road will commence the second week of August. That will take care of the rehabilitation of the rest of Barcelona Road. The crack sealing on Barcelona was previously done.

Preservation of Thirty Miles of Road Every Year

Unger said we need to take care of 30 miles of road each year.

There is a problem with the super pave process done previously. It peels easily and is not easily patched.

“We’ve held back from doing some of the paving work because of the infrastructure work we are doing. We need to ensure the water system’s integrity is good before we pave.”

“I hope our road preservation program funding next year is closer to $2M or $2.5M a year versus the $1.4M we had this year. We need to start doing more on the roads,” shared Unger.

By Cheryl Dowden

Contact Information for Public Services Director

KenĀ Unger
Director Public Services
Hot Springs Village