Updated Rental Registration Language for Residential Rules and Regulations

On March 31, 2024, the Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association implemented a Rental Registration program with a yearly registration fee of $50. The program created some controversy among rental owners. Laurence Jones of the Hot Spring Village POA Rental Registration Program presented additional staff-recommended changes to this program at the December 4, 2024, Board Discussion Session.

The proposed rental registration changes are anticipated to be presented to the Board of Directors for a vote on December 18, 2024.

Mr. Jones mentioned that there are 698 registered rentals, encompassing both long-term and short-term rentals. The precise breakdown is unknown because the initial applications did not require specific categorization. This information will be collected as renewals occur. It is thought that there are 200 unregistered units. Short-term rentals are defined as rentals of 30 days or less.

Various methods are being used to locate the unregistered rentals. Community Support Officers regularly report suspected violators, and Mr. Jones reviews online properties to find unregistered rental properties.

On October 17, a focus group consisting of POA staff, landlords, and realtors dealing in residential rentals met, resulting in the items proposed below. No changes are being proposed to the $50 yearly fee.


  1. It is proposed to have a single anniversary date of June 30. Using January 1 as an anniversary date conflicts with the annual renewals. The current anniversary dates are not uniform and are based on the sign-up date. If the June 30 anniversary date is implemented, some folks will receive “free months.”
  2. Landlords will be required to be in good standing with the association. Although most landlords are in good standing, there are a few instances where they are not. If the landlord lacks good standing, rental registration will not be permitted. This will result in the tenant being unable to obtain “credentials.” “Credentials” have to do with stickered access at the manned gates and gate-card access at unmanned gates, and also amenity privileges at member rates. Board Vice Chair Larry Siener asked if we have a legal opinion on denying rental registration to a property owner not in good standing. Mr. Jones will obtain a legal opinion.
  3. Printed copies of the Rules and Regulations should be posted in each unit, whether it is a short-term or long-term rental.
  4. The requirement that authorization and contact information be with a local agency in the case of out-of-area rental owners. Contact with out-of-area property owners can be difficult and time-consuming. The Vice-chair cautioned, “I am not sure we want to get between a rental agent and property owner regarding whatever contract they sign for property management. If I sign a contract with a property management company, I expect them to handle all of my activities, whatever it may happen to be.” Mr. Jones said the POA needs authorization from the property owner that an agent is being authorized to represent them and handle issues.
  5. Clarification on permitted use of fire pits by tenants. No wood-burning fire pits will be permitted at rentals. Propane fire pits will be allowed and do not require a permit.
  6. Penalties to be incurred by the owner for renters’ rules infractions.

Click here to read the full BOD Discussion Session report.

By Cheryl Dowden

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