Architectural Control Committee Chair Presents 2023 Annual Report to the Board
Architectural Control Committee Chair Janet Rowe presented the committee’s annual report to the HSVPOA Board of Directors on Wednesday, May 17, 2023. This was Chair Rowe’s last ACC Board report, as her term on the committee was not renewed. Janet served 3 and 1/2 years on the ACC, and three years as the chair.
On leaving the committee, Janet said,
“I wanted to relay to the Property Owners that I enjoyed my time serving on the ACC Committee for the past 3+ years. Coming from a career serving the public, it was nice finding something in retirement that would still allow me to serve. I am proud of how the Committee has worked very hard in the past three-plus years to change the structure of how permits were reviewed. In the past, it was a hard approval or denial, and I felt that we needed to work with the Property Owners that had permit applications denied. Committee Members were encouraged to go back and speak with the owners to work out a project plan that would satisfy the POA rules/requirements and where the Property Owner could accomplish what they wanted to construct/place something on their property. Sometimes our hands were tied and we simply could not approve of something, because it would go against the rules or State law, but those cases were very minimal and the denial percentage was only about one percent.
“My tenure as Chairperson was very busy as I would have to go to the POA to sign legal documents, run the meetings, and conduct site visits for application reviews, which could sometimes take 4-5 hours a week. There were also lots of emails and phone inquiries to respond to from Property Owners, and I would often do pre-permit site visits to let the Property Owner have an idea of what they could do with their project that would be acceptable to the Committee, always following the POA rules and State law.
“Time was also spent monitoring FB and commenting on posts to hopefully dispel some rumors that would surface if they involved an ACC-related issue. Meeting with the Property Owners was a fun aspect of the job, and I enjoyed speaking with them and with newcomers. I felt that it was part of the interaction to be an ambassador for the Village. I would often take time to let them know of the amenities, places locally to go and organizations to join. I will miss that the most with this departure.
“I was a bit disheartened, though, as I had put my application in for renewal to the Committee and I had planned on staying only an additional year, that would be until the Committee came up to full member strength and the Chairperson position could be given to a Committee member with some expertise on the Committee and that really wanted it. The Board of Directors could have extended it according to the bylaws, but they chose not to and I did not get an explanation as to why, a heads-up before the consent agenda stating renewal appointments at the Board meeting, or even a Thank You from anyone, which was very sad. As I said before, it is the Property Owners that I interacted with that I will miss the most about the position, but hopefully, I will find another avenue, besides the Village Audubon Society, to continue to contribute toward offering something for my fellow Property Owners.”
Janet Rowe, Former Architectural Control Committee Chair
ACC Annual Report to the HSVPOA Board by ACC Chair Janet Rowe
To enlarge the report, click the icon “Switch to presentation mode” at the bottom of the PDF.