In this edition of “Ask Ken,” a resident asks Hot Springs Village Public Services Director Ken Unger to explain what a Reduced Pressure Valve is and why yearly testing is required.

ResidentWhat is an RPZ (Reduced Pressure Zone), and why do I need to have it tested each year?

Ken: If you have a sprinkler system and it is connected to our water system you need to have what is known as an RPZ, which serves as a backflow preventer to stop contaminants in your sprinkler system from entering our water system. Per Health Department requirements, these devices must be tested as recommended by the manufacturer by a certified individual/company to ensure they are working properly, which is generally yearly. If they are not working properly, they must be repaired or replaced. Evidence of the inspections, repairs, etc., must be provided to the POA upon completion so we can show the Health Department that we are complying with the requirements. Hot Springs Village has a backflow prevention policy to ensure residents test these devices. Unfortunately, lax enforcement has resulted in only about half of the residences with these devices being tested annually as required.  Residents’ cooperation in helping to maintain the integrity of our water system is greatly appreciated.


Ken Unger
Director Public Services
Hot Springs Village

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Ask Ken What is RPZ and why is yearly testing required 3