In his new role as Hot Springs Village POA Associate Director of Public Services, Matt Broom will assist Ken Unger, Public Services Director, with some property owner questions. Ken will continue to answer water and wastewater-related questions.

With all of the snow, ice, and inclement weather events Hot Springs Village has faced in the past few weeks, Matt Broom has been flooded with questions and reports regarding the resulting potholes.

Resident:  What is the deal with all of the potholes after this last winter event?  It is as if they appeared overnight, and they are everywhere.  What can be done to address these?

Matt:  During freeze and thaw events such as this, snowmelt will find its way into the small cracks and will expand when it refreezes at night.  This creates a cavity between the layers of asphalt, and the top layer becomes very brittle.  We have a proven method to address these shallow potholes but need dry conditions to apply this product.  We will use a two-part epoxy product called FloMix.  This epoxy will self-level and cure harder than asphalt.  Conventional asphalt patching products will not hold up in one-inch or less-deep potholes.  These areas will be evaluated for potential mill and overlay projects if the repairs aren’t sufficient. 

Resident: How can I report potholes to Public Services?

Matt:  We need residents’ help in identifying things they see across the Village that need attention. We ask any resident who sees any area that needs attention, including potholes, water leaks, sewer leaks, etc., to submit a report online using our online form so we know it will get to the right person and can be addressed as quickly as possible. 

Ask Matt What is the deal with all the potholes inside image


Matt Broom


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