During a recent tv appearance on KATV Channel 7, Villager Colleen Angel, also known as Grandma Angel, explained how she takes wedding gowns and turns them into ‘Tiny Angel’ gowns for stillborn babies. This television appearance resulted in hundreds of donated wedding gowns on Colleen’s doorstep. You can be an angel at “Be an Angel Day” in Hot Springs Village, where many hands will make lighter work of this large and worthwhile undertaking.
The mission of Tiny Angels Gowns is to create, sew, and donate bereavement gowns to parents who have had to say “hello and goodbye” to their tiny babies and to bring cognizance to the public about fetal demise or stillbirth and the need for postpartum grief support. Created by volunteer efforts, the gowns are donated to hospitals. This project has profoundly impacted many grieving families, with 102,524 gowns donated to date. Click here to visit the Tiny Angel Gowns website.
How Can You ‘Be an Angel’ and help with the project?
Altrusa of Hot Springs Village and the Village Pine Needlers invite you to participate in Be an Angel Day at Community of Joy Lutheran Church, 110 Balboa Road, on Wednesday, August 30, from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
Your assistance is needed to dismantle wedding gowns to be made into Tiny Angel gowns. Assistance is also needed to cut fabric and perform other tasks. Volunteer knitters and crocheters are also asked to help make baby hats. You need not be an expert seamstress to make a valuable contribution to this worthwhile project; No sewing is required.
Colleen also accepts donations of baby yarn (white, baby blue, or baby pink), which can be dropped at Community of Joy Lutheran Church, 110 Balboa Road.
This is an OPEN Invitation to ALL! Invite your friends and neighbors who love knitting, crocheting, and cutting up fabric. Bring your small sharp scissors, rotary cutter and mat, crochet hooks, or knitting needles. Light refreshments will be provided.
Patterns for the tiny crocheted and knitted hats were created by Kathy Cunningham and can be found on Tiny Angel Gowns Facebook page, For more information, click here to visit the Tiny Angel Gowns Facebook Page.
Much appreciation to Altrusa of Hot Springs Village and the Village Pine Needlers!
Click here to contact Colleen Angel for more details on how you can help.

Cover image: Altrusans in Action – Left, back to front: Doris Harder, Elaine Schroeder, Annie Behan, and Dora Lang; Right – left to right: Diane Bielanski, Mary Kramer, and Terri Bayes