Press Release

Charlie Brown’s Withdrawal of Board Candidacy

On Friday, January 17, 2024, I notified the POA Administration via email of my withdrawal as a Board of Directors candidate. This notification was due to being presented on Wednesday, January 15, with an opportunity to assist our community in another role. Although I am still in negotiations regarding this role, if this opportunity comes to fruition, it would be a conflict of interest with a board member position. Therefore, due to candidate materials and activities moving forward, I have chosen to end my candidacy at this time.

I chose to run for the HSVPOA Board of Directors having earnest concerns about current and future functionality and the understanding of the mission responsibility of the board. Having an inside view of operations and the board relationship, I am of the strong belief the board has relinquished its responsibility to operations of “establishing the mission, vision, and goals…of the organization” (Ref: Bylaws- Article IX, Sec. 1, 2, a).

It is my perception that the board over the last few years has become only a conduit for operations and has not exercised its authority in “ensuring appropriate governance of day-to-day operating strategies” (Ref: Bylaws- Article IX, Sec.2(b). This is not an indictment on operations, it is only an indictment on who is setting the tone and direction of our great community. The board is the elected body and accountable to the members and is to “ensure the voice of the member is represented” (Ref: Bylaws-Article 9, Sec.1).

I believe the board should set the direction of HSV with operational input along with members through community engagement. The governing documents require it and the community deserves it. Members’ ideas should not be considered irrelevant in the future of HSV. A confluence of ideas will most always result in a better product. The board should demand complete transparency of operational spending. I believe it to be imperative the board study and implement a future development strategy for our community. This should be an outlook plan for 5,10,15, and 20 years. We should not be surprised by what commercial development may look like in 10 years and the impact on the gates.

I commend the board for their selfless service, and they deserve it. They are volunteers putting forth many, many hours for our community. Much of it is without thanks, as most of our membership do not realize the amount of volunteer time they put forth. I commend them so much more than a paid position. I hope moving forward our board understands the need to exercise their authority, and to also formulate a future development strategy. I look forward to hearing the messages of the current candidates and helping those that see a need for a different understanding of board responsibility.

Charlie Brown

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