You ask – Director Charlie Brown answers
HSVPOA Charlie Brown, Director of Compliance & Contract Management, answers five questions about lakes patrol, exterior painting (again), landscaping maintenance, mailboxes, and fencing this week.
Compliance-related questions may be asked in the comment section on this website. Thanks!
Lakes Patrol
Q – Since there are plans to patrol Village lakes in the upcoming boating season, will citations be issued to “No Wake Zone” violators?
A – The seasonal part-time lakes patrol announcement yielded no qualified candidates. This is after the vacancy was listed for approximately two months. So, it does not appear that for this season, we will have a position dedicated to lakes patrol. When resources are available, we will schedule random patrols by compliance staff. We can mention enforcement results in our reporting.
We also want to educate shoreliners that the distance of 100 feet is farther from their docks than they tend to believe. Last season while patrolling, it was determined using a range finder that most observed wakes were more than 100 feet from docks.
How long does it take to obtain a permit to paint a home?
Q – How long does it take to obtain a permit if you want only to paint the exterior door/shutters?
A – Typically, a paint permit can be obtained the same day that it is applied for. Even when repainting the whole house, it often only takes one day to obtain a permit if the project meets the paint standards.
Does maintenance landscaping require a permit?
Q – Much misunderstanding evolves around landscaping. What constitutes needing a permit? Replacing winter kill azaleas? Laying sod? Planting flowers?
A – Any landscaping maintenance does not need a permit. A permit is unnecessary if you are not changing the design of something or the footprint of a structure. For example, no permit is needed if you replace some shrubs that died through the winter. If you are changing from sod to gravel, a permit is needed.
Q – Is a permit required to build a brick mailbox? Also, is a permit required to put in any new mailbox? Including new homes?
A – Please follow U.S. Postal Service (USPS) guidelines for installing and placing a new mailbox at your home. You may contact your local USPS branch or visit the USPS website.
A. No mailbox will be permitted where access is prohibited by law or regulation.
B. Require 811 locate before digging and setting a post for the mailbox.
C. Posts of a 4″ x 4″ wooden support or a 2″ diameter standard steel or aluminum pipe are acceptable. The ideal support is an assembly that, if struck, will bend or fall away from the striking vehicle instead of severely damaging it and injuring its occupants.
D. Concrete blocks, brick, rock, or other designs used to enclose the mailbox post of supports must have the Architectural Control Committee’s approval by submitting a permit application. Any questions should be directed to the POA Permitting and Inspections Department at 501-922-5562.
E. A mailbox with the Postmaster General’s (PMG) seal of approval meets USPS size and construction standards. If you build your own mailbox or buy a custom-made one, it must meet the PMG standards. Show your local postmaster your mailbox plans or your custom-made box for approval.
F. Position your mailbox 41” to 45” from the road surface to the bottom of the mailbox or point of mail entry.
G. Put your house number on the mailbox. If your mailbox is on a different street from your house, put your full street address on the box.
H. No mailbox will be installed within 100’ from the center of a street intersection, on the crest or side of hills, on curves, or in any other location that could put the Postal Service employee or customer in danger of an accident.
I. All costs of installation, any damages or liability associated therewith, and maintenance shall be borne by the property owner. Anything other than a standard USPS mailbox must be approved.
Building a 6′ Fence to Contain a Dog
Q – I need to put up a 6 ft metal fence to contain my dog, who is a jumper. Per his vet, a 5 ft fence isn’t high enough as he can scale a 5 ft fence in an instant. A local boarding facility owner can substantiate this as well. With a 6 ft metal fence, he won’t be able to get a footing to jump. I will be submitting a fencing request for a permit. Is there anything additional required to request a fence that does not fall within permitting guidelines?C
A – A variance would have to be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. This is done by completing a permit application, and the ACC will review for a possible variance.

Charlie’s Corner
With Charlie Brown
Are these required permits written down somewhere? If they are it would be much easier to read the list instead of asking/writing a question each time a situation arises. At my age it’s hard to remember which questions I’ve asked before or the answers I received. It would also save Mr. Brown a lot of time, I’m sure he has more important things to do.
Parking a car in the yard. Parked in front of house!
Susan, is this a question for Director Brown? Thanks!