HSVGazette.com had a five-day trivia contest called, “How Well Do You Know Your Board Directors?” We asked all seven Hot Springs Village POA Board Directors to submit trivia facts. We published one fact for each Board Member five days in a row, for a total of 35 trivia questions.
The questions/trivia facts submitted were interesting and no doubt we all learned a few things about our Board Members. They have all led an interesting and vibrant life.
We are pleased to announce the winner of the contest is Patsy Davis. Ms. Davis was the only contestant to answer all 35 questions, with a total of 29 correct answers. Patsy is the winner of a $50 gift card to Melinda’s Cafe and Coffee.
Thank you!
A GREAT BIG shoutout to the Board Directors who were very good sports to help HSVGazette.com with this trivia contest.
Joanie Correy, Gary Belair, Tucker Omohundro, Bob McLeod, Pam Avila, Jama Lopez, and Bruce Caverly
The answers are below.
1- What Board Director has been through 52 airports in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean during his/her adult life? Pam
2 – What Board Director is related to a famous historical cowboy? Tucker
3 – What Board Director while in the US Army before assignment overseas, helped field test (January 1970) the precursor to today’s GPS? Gary
4 – What Board director owned and operated a Mister Softee Ice cream truck at age 16? Jama
5 – What Board Director played golf on a full 18-hole golf course with NO grass anywhere in Saudi Arabia? Bob
6 – What Board Director worked his/her way thru college in the dorm cafeteria? “When I graduated college I could debone 21 cooked turkeys and slice them in an afternoon and also make and bake 2,000 homemade chocolate chip cookies in a day.” Joanie
7 – Who on the Board has been to every state in the United States, Including Alaska and Hawaii? Bruce
1 – What Board Directors spent 8 years living on a sailboat traveling around the world? Bob
2 – What Board Director slalom waterskied on January 2 years ago – air temperature and water temperature were the same – 34 degrees? Pam
3 – What Board Director, in the summers, worked on an assembly line in a factory that made car and truck horns? Joanie
4 – Who on the Board spent 6 months as a lumberjack in northern Maine? Bruce
5 – What Board Director has six siblings, but yet is an only child? Tucker
6 – What Board Director once drove a car backward for 6 miles so the odometer wouldn’t change? Jama
7 – What Board Director, while in High School working a summer job, was a member of a two-person crew that hauled and stacked 1,000 bales of hay in one day? Gary
1 – Who on the Board sold Freezers to Eskimos? Bruce
2 – What Board Director on 9/11 was in London and had no idea why they were escorted out of a government building by soldiers with automatic weapons? And, there was no phone service to the states until much later. Joanie
3 – What Board Director spent 8 years living in an RV traveling around the US? Bob
4 – What Board Director appeared on American Bandstand as a teenager (for those old enough to remember)? Pam
5 – Who on the Board navigated his/her dad’s plane to an airstrip in Georgia that was not even on the map? Jama
6 – What Board member in college had a part-time job as a design draftsman for a company building grain storage and processing facilities? Gary
7 – What Board Director will not eat cheese? Tucker
1 – What Board Director was at the 1989 World Series game in San Francisco when the earthquake hit. Bob
2 – What Board Director played clarinet in the school band from 5th grade to high school graduation? Joanie
3 – What Board Member was born in Kentucky? Tucker
4 – What Board Director was on the cover of a major trade journal as a “Star of the Industry”? Pam
5 – What Board Director, as a teenager traded a go-kart for their first car? Gary
6 – Who on the Board had a commercial fishing license for Pacific Halibut? Bruce
7 – Who on the Board could ski Black Diamonds 2 months after learning to ski? Jama
1 – Who on the Board has lived in 4 states for 20 years each? Bruce
2 – Who on the Board worked in the fields detasseling corn as a teenager? Jama
3 – What Board Director, with his/her partner, won 1st place in the championship flight in a couple’s golf tournament? Joanie
4 – What Board member obtained a private pilot’s license? Gary
5 – What Board Director visited HSV for the first time on a Tuesday, made an offer on a house on Wednesday, flew home, and called the movers? Pam
6 – What Board Member was delivered by a famous female physician in the doctor’s office? Tucker
7 – What Board Director was chased by a wild elephant while on safari in South Africa? Bob

Cheryl Dowden, Publisher