The Common Property, Forestry, and Wildlife (CPF&W) Committee Met May 2, 2022
Common Property, Forestry, and Wildlife Committee Chair, Scott McCord, introduced the guests at the May 2 CPFW Committee Meeting. Guests included Maxine Klein; Janet Rowe; Zach Franklin; and Elaine Franklin.
Sitting at the Table:
Chair, Scott McCord; Vice-Chair, Tom Impellizzeri; Secretary, Anne Shears; Max Billingsley; Barton Langford; John Boykin; Board Liaison, Director Tucker Omohundro; and Staff Member, Common Property, Forest, and Wildlife Manager, Todd Noles.
Chairman Report – Scott McCord
McCord said that he wanted to continue along the same path as the previous committee chair, Max Billingsley. “One thing that Max did, I thought was a great idea, was he broke the committee into three segments, which have a focus on Wildlife, Forestry, and Permits.”

Staff Liaison Report – Todd Noles, Common Property, Forest, and Wildlife Manager
Noles said he has had a busy month.
- The seasonal mowing of the roadsides is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 3 if the weather cooperates. (Balearic Road).
- Cleanup of Campa Way – The construction department cleared the land and Noles and his crew followed behind with cleanup. Two pines were also removed.
- Over two loads of timber were sold but the amount of revenue is still unknown.
- Clearing of a utility right-of-way on Estrella Way (Glazy Peau Gate area) is coming soon for new construction. Noles said there is not enough suitable timber in this area to sell.
- Noles thanked those responsible for the confiscation of illegal deer stands and cameras. Noles also expressed his appreciation to Max Billingsley for his work on the Cooper Land Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee.
- In regards to the social media complaints about the spraying of herbicide around the culverts, signs, and guardrails. “This saves us from having to hire more employees for weed eating. While it is becoming easier to hire employees, it can be difficult to retain them.”
- Eight trees were cut in-house and seven were marked to be cut in the future.
- Noles provided assistance to the Streets Department with asphalt patching.

- Assistance was provided to the Compliance Department with the Gates Project. Click here to read about this project.
- At the West Gate, the area between the decal and the visitor lanes was widened so that an umbrella can be used.
- The crew blocked two illegal access roads on Danville Road, which makes six illegal access roads blocked by the POA in the past few months. The crews are using concrete barriers instead of boulders to prevent illegal entrance.
- Work is ongoing with the Elcano cleanup.
- The new Public Services Director is Ken Unger. Noles said that Unger stresses safety and doing the job the best way possible, Noles also expressed that Unger is very knowledgeable and he looks forward to working with him in the future. “Ken Unger is going to do a great job!”
Billingsley commented on the Pizarro patching. He said the crews are “doing an absolutely great job.” Noles said they want to do the job right the first time so they don’t have to come back and do it again.
Sub-committee Member Reports
Applications and Permits Report by Anne Shears
Anne Shears, discussed the current permit applications, which are for the removal of trees on common property. The Property Owner wanting the tree(s) removed must notify neighbors within 150′ and an objection from a neighbor will slow down or stop the process. The Property Owner pays the POA a fee for processing the application and also pays a private company to remove the trees.
Anne said there were no new permit applications in the past month but they are working on closing some files.
- 4 Binefar Trace – work completed and file closed.
- 21 Pontferrada – John Boykin said the result of the removal is like the difference between night and day. The homeowner is happy; the view is much improved; the value of her home increased because of the improved view, and in turn, this improved the neighborhood. The committee’s file was closed on this permit.
Wildlife Report
Tom Impellizzeri said there are too many geese. He found nests on private property and the property owners preferred that he not addle the eggs.

McCord said the biggest congregation of eggs is on Balboa. “This year, there are seven nests and 50 eggs. Last year there were 11 nests and 110 eggs.”
A goose defecates every 20 minutes. In a day, a goose will defecate between 1 and 1/2 and 2 pounds of feces. “Over a period of three months, 100 geese will deposit on our golf courses and in our lakes, 13,500 pounds of feces.” It is estimated there are 300 geese in HSV.
Geese feces cause disease (E. coli and others) and algae bloom on the lakes.
Preparing for the ’22 – ’23 Urban Deer Hunt
McCord asked Noles to let the committee know what they could do to help with the organization of the Urban Deer Hunt.
Noles said non-property owners have expressed interest in buying a lot so they will be able to participate in the Urban Deer hunt if it is closed to non-property owners in future years.
Guest Comments
Zach and Elaine Franklin discussed the tick problem, Lyme Disease, and other problems associated with ticks.
Maxine Klein said that the Urban Deer Hunt should be marketed to increase property sales. This should be done via the Discovery Packages, Realtors, and the outside marketing company.
In regards to tick bites, Maxine recommends finding an acupuncturist with a lot of experience, who came from China, and additionally is a herbal expert. There are herbal formulas in existence that can help with problems associated with tick bites.
The next Common Property, Forestry, and Wildlife Committee meeting is scheduled for 1:30 PM on June 6, 2022, at the Police Training Center at 301 Balearic Road, Hot Springs Village.

Cheryl Dowden, Publisher