Collaboration for Goose Population Management in Hot Springs Village
I am writing to provide information about goose egg addling, a humane population management practice used to control the growth of the Canada goose populations safely and effectively. Goose egg addling in Hot Springs Village is a concerted effort. Annually, the Hot Springs Village Common Property, Forestry, and Wildlife Committee, along with the assistance of the Lakes Committee, locates goose nests and conducts a goose-addling program in the village. The Golf Department also assists in reporting goose nests on golf property.
Goose Egg Addling Season and Process
Egg addling is typically done during the goose nesting season, generally from late March through early June, depending on regional climate conditions. The process involves oiling the eggs to prevent them from hatching, thereby reducing the number of goslings without harming adult birds.
Goose Egg Addling Benefits
The benefits of egg addling are numerous. It helps prevent overpopulation, which can lead to property damage, increased aggression from nesting geese, and water quality issues from excessive droppings. Additionally, it promotes healthier and more sustainable goose populations, reduces conflicts in urban and suburban areas, and minimizes the need for more drastic control measures.
You Can Help
It is also helpful to Village goose-addling efforts when residents report goose nests. If you notice geese gathering or a goose nest, email, identifying the location (latitude, longitude, address, etc.). You can also call (713) 824-7814.
Balancing Human and Wildlife Coexistence
We can effectively balance human and wildlife coexistence by incorporating egg addling into comprehensive wildlife management programs. Thank you for your attention to this important practice.
By Scott McCord, Common Property, Forestry, and Wildlife Committee Member; PowerPoint slides by Steven FitzGerald, Lakes Committee Chair
Click here to read a previous egg-addling article in the Gazette.
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Are all eggs found in a goose nest addled? Or are a set number left alone and allowed to hatch?