The Hot Springs Concert Band Spring Concert This Sunday
The award-winning Hot Springs Concert Band (HSCB) is completing the finishing touches for its spring concert, scheduled for this coming Sunday, May 1 at 3:00 pm at the Woodlands Auditorium in Hot Springs Village. This venue has been the primary and favorite indoor venue for the band ever since playing at the Grand Opening of the Ponce de Leon Center, Woodlands Auditorium over thirty years ago, on September 26, 1991. Since then, the spring concert has become a long-standing annual event sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Greater Hot Springs Village and a favorite of Villagers and the surrounding communities. The Hot Springs Concert Band is a dedicated group of talented and seasoned musicians who for more than forty-five years have performed memorable music programs in the Village and elsewhere.
Thirtieth-Year Anniversary of Kiwanis Club Sponsorship of HSBC Concerts
The HSCB-Kiwanis Club association goes back many years. As a matter of fact and of history, this month marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Kiwanis Club’s first sponsorship of a Hot Springs Concert Band concert. This has been not only a long relationship but a fruitful one as well. The proceeds from these many years of concerts have revealed not only a strong love of music by concertgoers, but also their kindness, generosity, and loyalty to the band and their belief in the Kiwanis’ mission of serving the needs of children and youth in our area.
Complimentary Ice Cream and Toppings to be Served
As with every spring concert, the Kiwanis Club will provide complimentary ice cream and toppings to all attendees which always contributes to the fun and festive nature of this concert. The treats will be served starting at 2:00 pm and the concert will begin at 3:00.
Wide Selection of Music to be Presented – Sure to Please Just About Everybody
The band’s Artistic Director and Principal Conductor, Dr. Craig Hamilton has made an excellent selection of music for the concert. As is usual, there is something for just about everybody. Selections include Sea Songs, English Folk Song Suite, Rakoczy March, Selections from Mary Poppins, Porgy and Bess, West Side Story, Tijuana Brass in Concert, Travelin’ Music, Curtain Call, The Walking Frog, and American Barn Dance.
The band again looks forward to making music for you and hopes you will join us for an enjoyable afternoon of ice cream, music, and camaraderie. If past spring concerts are any indication, this concert should be a sell-out…so you’ll want to get your tickets ASAP – especially since we are down to the final week of ticket sales.
Tickets are $15 and may be purchased from the following: Members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Hot Springs Village; Members of the Hot Springs Concert Band, and the Woodlands Auditorium Box Office between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm weekdays (501-922-4231); and through For more information, call 479-234-1311 or log on to