On January 10, 2024, the Hot Springs Village POA Board of Directors announced the 2024 Board Election Candidates running to fill two expired terms and one vacancy.
Terms to be Filled
- Former Board Director and Corporate Treasurer Jama Lopez accepted the HSVPOA staff position of Controller, opening up her Board spot for election.
- Current Board Member Mark Quinton is finishing his one-year Board term and is running for re-election.
- Current Board Director Bob McLeod, elected in 2021, is finishing out his three-year Board term and is not running for re-election.
The deadline for candidates to turn in Board Election Packets was extended from Friday, January 5, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. to Monday, January 8, before 8:00 a.m. at the night drop-off box located at the POA Administration Building. This deadline change was due to inclement weather on Friday.
Who are the candidates?
According to Board Brief #35, The POA Board of Directors has received applications and the necessary accompanying paperwork from four HSV property owners who have chosen to run for the three available seats on the Board of Directors. The candidates have been properly vetted as being members in good standing and accepted as legitimate candidates. The candidates in alphabetical order are as follows:
- Doyle Baker
- Edsel A. Frye, Jr
- Marcy Mermel
- Mark Quinton
The biographical information and photo submitted by the candidates will be available in this Friday’s Digest and published in the HSV Gazette and the HSV Voice.
- On Friday, February 2, 2024, voting materials, including ballots, letter, resumes, and return envelopes, will be mailed to all Association members in good standing as of that date.
- The deadline for returning ballots is Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 4:00 p.m., or an online vote is received if the election is hybrid. (Hybrid means both paper ballots and online voting.)
- On Friday, March 29, 2024, election results will be provided to the Board of Directors and the Designated HSVPOA Representative. In the following order, the Board Chair will contact the other board members, General Manager Kelly Hale, and thirdly all of the candidates to notify them of the election results.
- At a date to be determined, the new Board members will have an orientation to review the POA budget, governing documents, and calendar.
- On Wednesday, April 17, 2024, the newly elected Board members will be seated at a special Board meeting, following the adjournment of the regular April 17, 2024 Board meeting.
- All Board members will attend a Board retreat at a date to be determined.
By Cheryl Dowden

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