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Clear as a Bell!
The Village Carillons Handbell Choir is one of many excellent musical ensembles that call Hot Springs Village home. In the spring and winter, the Village Carillions perform at Christ of the Hills Methodist Church located at 700 Balearic Road in Hot Springs Village.
The 13-member handbell choir began its journey as “Handbells of Hot Springs” in the fall of 1987, transitioning to Village Carillons in the early 90s. Currently, the director is Nikki Saltmarsh.
In addition to the spring and fall programs at Christ of the Hills, the group performs for the residents of the Good Samaritan and Mt. Carmel campuses.
The Carillon’s upcoming spring performance, “A Potpourri of Songs,” is on Sunday, May 7, 2023, at 3:00 PM with the P.E.O Singers. Everyone is welcome, and this is a no-ticket and free event, but donation baskets are available.
Cover image:
Front row, left to right: Mary Jean Cannell, Joyce Weaver, Becky Harvey, Linda Hommema, Melinda Kincaid, Marsha Allen
Back row, left to right: Connie Harlan, Susan Cigelman, Donna Morton, Fran Stroud, Linda Zumwalde
Missing from the cover image: Director Nikki Saltmarsh, and Substitute Ringer Jenny Kilgroe
By Cheryl Dowden; Cover image photographer Nikki Saltmarsh
This is a great group to see!