In a display of gratitude to area elected officials and prominent community leaders, the HSVPOA Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC) with Arvest Bank hosted a thank-you brunch on Tuesday, April 21, at the Granada Mexican Grill. This event allowed the Hot Springs Village POA to express appreciation, foster connections, discuss important matters, and strengthen community bonds between the POA and area leaders.
Political figures, HSV Board Members, GAC committee members, and POA staff entered the restaurant’s welcoming atmosphere, where greetings were shared and, in some cases, introductions were made. Amidst attendees’ lively conversation and fellowship, the tantalizing aroma of Mexican cuisine wafted through the room, warmly inviting participants to relax and enjoy the hospitality offerings.
Commenting on the nice weather, GAC Chair Bob Pettey welcomed the group and introduced General Manager Kelly Hale.
Five-year resident HSV General Manager Kelly Hale
Five-year Village resident and two-and-a-half-year General Manager, Hale said, “Our relationship with people around the community is important. You can’t have a family attitude in a community like this if you don’t reach out to the family members around your community.”
“We are not just a private gated community. We have 16,500 voting citizens here who enjoy this great state of Arkansas.”
“What we want to do is make sure that our elected officials have an opportunity to come in here and visit with us and see that our people are some of the greatest and well-meaning individuals of the State of Arkansas,” declared Hale. Villagers want to contribute, help others, and help themselves by educating people around them. “We are somewhat of an isolated community, so we must rely on ourselves to a great extent.”
Hale thanked the officials and stressed his commitment to having good relationships with them and keeping the lines of communication open. He also appreciated Arvest Bank’s Business & Community Development Advisor, Stephanie Heffer, for her role in the community and for co-hosting the brunch.
Director Kevin Sexton
Kevin Sexton, Director of Business Development, Land, and Community Affairs, exclaimed, “I see a lot of friendly faces I have known for many years. My message to you is basically this: Each of you plays a critical role in the success of Hot Springs Village. It is all about regionalism. It is about partnership. I certainly appreciate every one of you for the commitment that you have made to Hot Springs Village.”
Sexton explained that it is not only about promoting Hot Springs Village but also about promoting Arkansas and regionalism. “Hot Springs Village tremendously impacts the region and Arkansas as a whole. This would not be accomplished without everybody in this room playing a part and participating in our growth.”
Board Chair Joanie Corry
On behalf of the POA and the Governmental Affairs Committee, HSVPOA Board Chair Joanie Corry thanked everyone for attending and the GAC for hosting the event.
Senator Matt McKee
Arkansas State Senator Matt McKee expressed thanks for the delicious brunch. He also thanked his friend, Senator Kim Hammer, for attending the event. “He doesn’t represent the Village, but he took time out of his day to come and meet everyone. McKee listed some of the elected officials and prominent community members attending: Shannon Sharp, Garland County Assessor; Karen Crowson, Saline County Justice of the Peace candidate; John Thurston, Secretary of State; Ralph Eads, Garland County Justice of the Peace; Mike McCormick, Garland County Sheriff; representatives from Congressman French Hill’s office; representatives from Attorney General Tim Griffin’s office; Richard McGrew, State Representative; Keith Keck, Saline County Justice of the Peace; Hot Springs Village POA Board Members.
McKee said that it is a pleasure to represent Hot Springs Village. “The Village has had some challenges over the last few months, and we’re working as diligently as we can to make life better. Just know that we appreciate you. Don’t hesitate to contact us. If we don’t get right back to you, keep calling until we do. It is an honor to serve and represent you.”
Representative Richard McGrew
Before the meal, Arkansas State Representative Richard McGrew gave the invocation.
McGrew also thanked the Hot Springs Village Governmental Affairs Committee for “putting together the event. “I think it shows that Hot Springs Village is always there. You are blessed to live in this beautiful place. Villagers also care about the community they live in and outside the Village. It is an honor to represent Hot Springs Village, and we thank you for taking the time to recognize us.”
After the brunch, attendees could play golf with General Manager Kelly Hale or take a tour of the Village led by Stephanie Heffer from Arvest Bank.
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Hot Springs Village Governmental AffairsCommittee Members are:
Bob Pettey, Chair
Paul Bridges, Vice Chair
Stephanie Heffer, Secretary
Sam Sacco
Keith Keck
Karen Crowson
Ron Davis
Tammy Hutchins-Frye
Arnie Holtberg
Bob Nettles
Robert Nielson
GAC Ex-officio members include Gen. Tom Arwood and Jim Zahnd.
GAC Staff Liaison: Kevin Sexton
GAC Board Liaison: Chair JoAnne Corry
Featured image: Hot Springs Village General Manager Kelly Hale addresses brunch attendees before treating them to a round of Village golf.

By Cheryl Dowden
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