A basic paddle-craft safety class* will be conducted in Hot Springs Village at the Cortez Pavilion by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary from 9 to 11 AM on June 21, 2024. Whether you are a kayak fisherman, whitewater enthusiast, or recreational lake paddler, there will be information to improve your safety on the water.
In addition to purely safety-related issues, there will be some good tips to facilitate the enjoyment of kayaking, canoeing, and/or paddle boarding.
If you have a kayak, bring it and your accessories (paddle, PFD, whistle, reflective signal device, and the required trash bag) to the class to have the Coast Guard representative inspect your boat and accessories. A USCG certificate and a Coast Guard safety inspection sticker will be provided upon meeting safety requirements.
If you would like to attend this class, please register by emailing Linda Worack at LindaWorack0258@gmail.com. A count is needed to ensure there are enough handouts for all attendees.
Note: Potential inclement weather backup date: June 22, 2024.

*The Coast Guard Auxiliary is emphasizing kayak safety, but the knowledge and practices will apply to canoes, paddle-boards, and possibly rowboats and dinghies as well.
Click here to visit the Hot Springs Village Paddlers Club.
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