Mission, Vision & Values – Presented by Director Avila
Director Pam Avila and Director Jama Lopez worked together on the Mission, Vision, and Values Statement and presented their work at the June 15, 2022 Board Meeting. In the recent past, this statement sounded more like a marketing campaign and the Board Directors wanted it to accurately reflect the mission, vision, and values of the community instead of the statement being a marketing tool.
Avila said that “for quite some time there has been talk that the existing mission statement, in particular, in vision, really was more suited for kind of a sales document than to reflect the true mission of the Village itself. It talked about being the premier adult community and that type of thing and that really did not reflect what our Village – our community, is all about or wants to be. We took a stab. Thank you, Jama, who did a fantastic job. I think there is something positive to be said about putting a very analytical accounting person with a very expressive marketing person because we came up with something that is pretty darn short. Thank you, Jama.”
Mission – “Provide a diverse, multidimensional community for people of all ages and interests.”
Avila said, “We wanted to reflect that this is not just a retirement community. It is for people of all ages. It is not just an active adult community because there are adults that don’t want to be active. They want to live here and enjoy whatever they want to enjoy. That’s what we tried to capture in the Mission Statement.”
Vision – “Be a financially strong self-sustaining community with the wisdom and flexibility to adapt to changing generational dynamics.”
Knowing that five, ten, or twenty years from now, people moving into the Village are not going to want exactly the same things that people moving in today want, Pam said they wanted the vision to remain flexible.
Values – “Hot Springs Village is a welcoming, diverse community with these shared values:”
- “Sustainability. We treasure our natural environment and conscientiously explore and implement methods and means to maintain and enhance it.
- Security. We value the security and safety offered by our gates and first responders.
- Diversity. We respect the rights, differences, and dignity of all.
- Integrity. We encourage an honest, creative and ethical community.
- Citizenship. We accept and nurture our position and responsibilities with the communities outside our gates.”
Directors Tucker Omohundro and Bob McLeod said they liked the statement. Director Bruce Caverly said, “It is good. The only comment that I had was the use of the word, ‘multi-dimensional’. Multi-generational is really what we are dealing with. People from 18 to 90 or older. I’ve read a number of different communities’ similar type statements and they’ve all kind of migrated to multi-dimensional – multi-generational comments. I am not one way or the other. I just happen to [sounds like he said “like”] on one particular word. However you want to go.”
Avila said, “I think we covered the multi-generational, though where it says, ‘people of all ages and interests.’”
Caverly responded, “I know you did.”
Avila stated, “I did have one question, though, because I heard from the marketing department yesterday on this and they said, ‘Wow! There are a lot of really big words in here.’”
Avila asked, “Do you think the words are too big? Is it basically understandable? Is it clear? Does it cover what we really want to be and what we really believe our mission is, going forward? Because this is for the Village. This is the community and I think it is really important that we are focused on us as a community, not as a sales tool.”
Caverly asked for comments from the audience.
Chair, Joanie Corry, said, “What about just adding that to next month’s agenda for a vote, rather than doing that today. That gives people time to comment.”
Avila asked, “And how are they going to submit their comments?”
Director Tucker Omohundro said, “Well, just like it has always been. I guess they email us with their thoughts.”
Avila said, “We can do that.”
Corry said, “Or someone can make a motion.”
Avila stated, “We would really welcome comments and input…”
Corry asked for this to be added to the July agenda.
Comments and Questions From the Audience
The comments and questions from the audience have been included here because they were in regard to the Mission, Vision, and Values Statement.
Paul Bridges – Bridges complimented the Mission and Vision Statement and the changes being made. Bridges said, “As I was listening, though, I was thinking how far-reaching those comments are or those changes could be. With a community that is full of people who came here for a retirement community who may not want to serve a multi-dimensional population and I only encourage the Board to, carefully, as you do this, make this quite transparent and public so that down the road people are not saying, ‘what did they slide through on us here to change the whole nature of the community we moved to?’. I think it is a great effort, a great work and I like what you did. Thank you.

Melinda Alvord – “I am kind of addressing the same thing that Paul did. Jama and Pam, you did a great job. But I do have to kind of agree with Paul. Maybe some of the words are a little too big. I am not ready to suggest substitute wording, but I would like to see maybe just a little simpler wording, maybe, to say the same things. Thanks.”

Avila asked Bridges and Alvord to send their suggestions to the Board.
All Property Owners may submit their thoughts, suggestions, and questions to the Board regarding the Mission, Vision, and Values Statement or any other pertinent topic.
Board Director Email Addresses
JoAnne Corry, Chair | jcorry@hsvpoa.org
Gary Belair, Vice Chair | gbelair@hsvpoa.org
Pam Avila | pavila@hsvpoa.org
Robert McLeod | rmcleod@hsvpoa.org
Tucker Omohundro | tomohundro@hsvpoa.org
Bruce Caverly | bcaverly@hsvpoa.org
Jama Lopez | jlopez@hsvpoa.org
To contact all Board of Directors, email boardmembers@hsvpoa.org.