For 20-plus years, the community of Hot Springs Village has been supporting a program called Toys for Tykes. This program is for collecting new or slightly used toys for the underprivileged children of Mountain Pine School District. The target for the collection of gifts is kindergarten (age 5-6) to sixth grade (age 11-12).
The previous collection site had been the Triple D Realty office on Hwy 7, but with the passing of the owner and broker of that firm, the new collection site will be Trademark HSV at 1060 Desoto Boulevard, inside the Village.
While it is still early in the holiday season, it’s never too early to start thinking ahead about making children in communities that are struggling a little more special this year. For those who don’t know, in 2006, Weyerhaeuser Company announced that it was permanently closing its veneer and plywood facility in Mountain Pine, Arkansas, effective immediately. This closure impacted 340 hourly and salaried positions in this town’s population of then 843. That equates to a 40% reduction in the labor force with one stroke of the pen. This resulted in a devastating impact on this town’s economy.
Please drop your unwrapped donation by the Trademark office Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM or 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Saturday.
Presents will be picked up by Mountain Pine on December 15, 2023 and are distributed by the teachers at Mountain Pine based on age and gender. The presents need to be unwrapped for the teachers at Mountain Pine to have the ability to determine which toy(s) best fits their student base.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this worthwhile community project. Questions can be addressed to Lloyd Sherman at or by calling 501-204-2770.
Submitted by Lloyd Sherman

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