As new information becomes available, it will be posted at the top of this article.
CHI Clinics in HSV will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16, due to inclement weather. This includes (West Gate walk-in clinic, Desoto clinic, and East Gate clinic.) stay safe.
Monday, January 15, 2024
3:00 pm Status Report
With no new snow predicted for the near future, our biggest concern is the severe cold, which will continue for a least several days. Here’s the latest update from the POA emergency operations team.
The POA requests that residents still avoid traveling on our roads throughout the rest of today. POA employees are still working round-the-clock sanding and plowing the main roads within the Village. Balearic Road from Coronado Drive to Reata Way, Barcelona Road between Tomino Way and Villano Lane, and Fresno Road between Alicante Road and Carmona Road remain closed today.
The POA main office is currently open and will be open tomorrow (Tuesday) on its regular schedule (8 am – 4:30 pm). All other POA facilities are closed today (Monday) and will remain closed tomorrow (Tuesday) with the exception of the Coronado Fitness Center, which will have a 9 am delayed opening. All golf courses will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday. After that, check with the Tee Times office or the website. Pickleball and Tennis are closed tomorrow.
For this week, trash pickup will be on the following schedule:
Monday pickup will be on Wednesday.
Tuesday pickup will be on Thursday.
Wednesday pickup will be on Friday.
Thursday pickup will be on Saturday.
There will be no special pickup services this week.
Movie Night at the Woodlands is delayed until next week – same day of the week, same time.
Click Here for the list of restaurants inside the gates with their phone numbers. Please call ahead to see if they’re open.
Temperatures will continue to remain very low for the next few days so please don’t forget to protect your home by dripping one or two inside faucets overnight, disconnecting any hoses from outdoor faucets, covering outdoor faucets and making sure the lid to your water meter is securely closed. If you have a water emergency, please call the main offices (501-922-5556) during the day or 501-922-1323 for nights and weekends.
For any non-emergency issues, please reach out to Public Services via the form provided online. The emails from this form go to every Public Services superintendent plus Matt Broom and Ken Unger. It also creates a record for PS to track what’s happened.
Stay tuned for further updates – and please stay off the roads whenever possible! Stay warm and stay safe!

January 15, 2024
10:00 am Status Report
Due to continuing extreme weather conditions, the POA requests that residents again avoid traveling on our roads throughout the rest of today. POA employees are working round the clock sanding and plowing the main roads within the Village. Balearic Road from Coronado Drive to Reata Way, Barcelona Road between Tomino Way and Villano Lane, and Fresno Road between Alicante Road and Carmona Road remain closed today.
The POA main office is opening right now and, weather permitting, will remain upon until its normal closing time at 4:30 pm. Another update later today will provide further information on tomorrow’s POA office schedule. All other POA facilities are closed today (Monday) – all golf courses and facilities as well as all recreation facilities.
Trash pickup for today is suspended. The revised trash schedule will be announced later.
Temperatures will continue to remain very low for the next day so please don’t forget to protect your own home by dripping one or two inside faucets overnight, disconnecting any hoses from outdoor faucets, covering outdoor faucets and making sure the lid to your water meter is securely closed. If you have a water emergency, please call the main offices (501-922-5556) during the day or 501-922-1323 for nights and weekends.
Stay tuned for further updates – and please stay off the roads whenever possible! Stay warm and stay safe!

January 14, 2024
3:00 pm Status Report
Due to current weather conditions the POA is requesting that residents avoid traveling on our roads throughout the rest of today and overnight if at all possible. POA employees are currently sanding the main roads within the Village. In addition, Balearic Road from Coronado Drive to Reata Way, Barcelona Road between Tomino Way and Villano Lane, and Fresno Road between Alicante Road and Carmona Road are all closed.

Crystal Chimes Chorus 12th Annual Bye Bye Blahs 2024 Game Day scheduled for Monday, January 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. has been rescheduled to Monday, January 22, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Village Church of Christ, 210 Balboa Road, Hot Springs Village.
CHI Clinics in HSV will be closed tomorrow, Monday, January 15, due to inclement weather. This includes (West Gate walk-in clinic, Desoto clinic, and East Gate clinic.) stay safe.
January 14, 2024
5:00 pm Status Report
Due to current weather conditions, the POA is requesting that residents avoid traveling on our roads throughout the rest of today and overnight if at all possible. POA employees are still currently sanding and plowing the main roads within the Village. Balearic Road from Coronado Drive to Reata Way, Barcelona Road between Tomino Way and Villano Lane, and Fresno Road between Alicante Road and Carmona Road will remain closed overnight.
In addition, all POA facilities will have a 10 am delayed opening tomorrow morning, Monday, January 15th. In addition, trash pickup will be postponed by at least one day. All golf courses will be closed Monday, January 15th, and Tuesday, January 16th. Pickleball and Tennis will be closed Monday, January 15th. Additional updates will be issued as conditions change. Thank you and be safe.

Initially, it was stated that the CFC would open at 10 a.m. this morning, but this has changed.