HSV, How Well Do You Know Your Board Directors? Trivia Contest – Day 1
HSVGazette.com is sponsoring a trivia contest called, “HSV, How Well Do You Know Your Board Directors?” This is a contest for Hot Springs Village Property Owners and a prize will be awarded to the Property Owner with the most correct responses. You need not be a resident of the Village, but you must own property. In the case of ties, one winner will be drawn from a hat containing the names of all the winners.
Every day for five days, HSVgazette.com will publish seven random facts, one from each Board Director. The object of the contest is to guess which fact goes with each Board Director. This article is for day one of the contest. One lucky winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to Melinda’s Cafe and Coffee. Please read the rules carefully.
Click here to read the full details of the contest.
Below are the seven questions for Monday, May 2, 2022. Scroll down until you see the comment section in order to enter your guesses. Only one entry is allowed per article. You need not copy the question but can use the number. For example, if you think question one is from Gary Belair, you would say, “Question 1 – Gary.” If you think question two belongs to Jama Lopez, you would say, “Question 2 – Jama”
It was brought to my attention that by publishing the entries as they come in, some people may use that to their advantage. This gives an unfair advantage to people who wait to make their guesses until they see what others have to say. Due to this, contest entries will not be published, in order to keep people from copying.
Day 1 Trivia Questions – Monday, May 2, 2022
1 – What Board Director has been through 52 airports in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean during his/her adult life?
2 – What Board Director is related to a famous historical cowboy?
3 – What Board Director while in the US Army before assignment overseas, helped field test (January 1970) the precursor to today’s GPS?
4 – What Board Director owned and operated a Mister Softee ice cream truck at age 16?
5 – What Board Director played golf in Saudia Arabia on a full 18-hole golf course with NO grass anywhere? Oiled fairways. You carried your hitting mat. The browns (greens) were light sand and there was a person assigned to each brown to rake it with a rug after the group putted.
6 – What Board Director worked his/her way thru college in the dorm cafeteria? “When I graduated college I could debone 21 cooked turkeys and slice them in an afternoon and also make and bake 2,000 homemade chocolate chip cookies in a day.”
7 – Who on the Board has been to every state in the United States, Including Alaska and Hawaii?
The Hot Springs Village Property Owner Association Board Members are Joanie Corry, Gary Belair, Pam Avila, Bob McLeod; Tucker Omohundro, Jama Lopez, and Bruce Caverly.
Thank you to everyone participating in this contest and most especially to all of the Hot Springs Village Board Directors for agreeing to help us with this contest.

Cheryl Dowden, Publisher Hot Springs Village Gazette