Help continue the tradition by participating in the HSV 22nd Annual Village Walk for Cancer Research!

The Village Walk for Cancer Research (VWFCR) invites you to participate in Hot Springs Village’s 22nd Annual Cancer Walk Saturday, September 30, with opening ceremonies beginning at 8:00 a.m. at Balboa Pavilion, Hot Springs Village. This always well-attended event hopes to register 500 participants and raise $75,000 to support cancer research. This year, VWFCR focuses on blood cancers—leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.

Our honoree this year is Laurie Boor, and we are honoring the memory of Tom Bryant. You can read their stories by visiting our website, Registration forms are available at KVRE, Village Voice, Clampit’s Country Kitchen, Arvest Bank Hwy 7, RE/MAX of HSV, the HSV Gazette, and our website. If you register by September 8, you can order a complimentary T-shirt. You can honor or remember your friends and relatives who have faced the challenges of cancer with an extra donation, enabling their name(s) to be printed on the back of all T-shirts. All of this is explained on your registration form located below.

Corporate and individual sponsors are very important to the success of our Walk. Many added benefits come with your sponsorship. You can learn about that on our website too.

What if you can’t walk, kayak, or cycle? Register Anyway for the 22nd Annual Village Walk for Cancer Research!

Don’t think you can walk, kayak, or cycle? Register anyway for the 22nd Annual Village Walk for Cancer Research, and come out to the Balboa Pavilion for food and fellowship, as Clampit’s will provide hot dogs, brats, and all the fixings. Whether you are a cancer survivor or have been touched by cancer in some other way, you will be inspired by the feelings and fellowship this day creates.

Register Soon

Register soon to take advantage of the bargain price of $35 (including T-shirt) through September 8. Your registration form receipt is your friendly reminder to pick up your T-shirt at Sacred Heart Church on the days listed.

We welcome registrations up to and including Walk Day, September 30. However, after September 8, the price goes to $40, and it will be too late to order a T-shirt.

The Village Walk for Cancer Research is a 501c-3 nonprofit organization that raises money in support of cancer research throughout the year. Every dollar we raise stays right here in Central Arkansas. Please also consider contributing to our endowment with the HSV Community Foundation,

HSV 22nd Annual Village Walk for Cancer Research walkers head for trail
2022 Village Walk for Cancer Research
Crowd at 2022 Village Walk for Cancer Research

2023 Village Walk for Cancer Research Registration Form

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Cover image: 2022 Cancer Survivors

Submitted by Maureen Morgan