The Hot Springs Village Architectural Control Committee (ACC) met on Thursday, August 1, 2022, for its regular bimonthly meeting. The committee approved 19 permits on existing properties and 7 new home permits. In new business, the ACC disapproved of a new signage request submitted by the HSV Evening Lions for Balboa Park.
Balboa Park Signage Not in Favor with the ACC
The Hot Springs Village Evening Lions submitted a new sign request to the Hot Springs Village Permitting and Inspection Department, which then came before the ACC. The proposed sign cites the contributors to Balboa Park.
Introducing the topic, Charles Brown, Director of Compliance & Contract Management said, “This is a follow-up from what the committee has seen and approved a few months ago with Balboa Park. It has come to our attention that there was an add-on sign. Brown showed the sign that had already been approved by the committee. Click here to read about the original signage discussion at the June 16 ACC meeting.
Board Director and ACC Liason Tucker Omohunro asked, “So we are going to have the Lion sign and the Balboa Park sign?”
Brown continued, “The Lion (sign) is the one the committee has already seen and approved and this is an add-on.
A committee member asked, “Are you saying you are adding on to the existing Lion sign?”
Brown responded, “No, it is a totally different sign. This is an added request. I am not sure about the location. They had it marked at the same location… on the drawing. That is what they are indicating on the drawing.”
ACC Chair Janet Rowe stated, “I know we discussed having a small placard by the Lion and the flag pole, giving them credit for developing this. But this looks a whole lot bigger.”
A committee member said, “And then they have advertising.”
Rowe explained, “This is the second sign that they are asking for.”
General Manager, Kelly Hale, stated, “Miss Jan, the top part I am okay with, the bottom part listing the sponsors and everything, I think we need to talk.”
Rowe added, “The best recollection I have is when they presented the Balboa Park sign and flag pole and the Lion. We said we could attribute the park to them with a small placard. Nothing was said about additional sponsors.”
Brown said, “this was first submitted as a review to us in the sense that this was donations and we haven’t heard up to this point that now they are going to be taking donations for the park.”
Tucker Omohundro said, “I’d say ‘no’ until we get further information. We had already agreed on the sign. As far as I am concerned, we are done.”
A committee member said, “I liked the other sign. I don’t care for this one at all.”
Rowe said, “We told them that they could put something small there saying, “Donated by the Hot Springs Village Evening Lions Club.”
A committee member said, “It’s a billboard, as far as I am concerned.”
The committee was in disagreement with the installation of the sign, as presented.

Permits Approved
9 Gijon Lane – Addition to driveway – The property owner wants the driveway widened by the garage, for additional parking. – Approved
7 Soldado Lane – Landscaping – Approved
4 Juntar Lane – Extending concrete patio – Add 12′ x 12′ slab and overlay with porcelain tile. – Approved
32 Gusta Lane – Tree Cutting on the vacant lot next to the home – only pine trees are being removed. – Approved
38 Gusta Lane – Stationary Fire Pit – The fire pit will be constructed using heavy steel and brick. The fire department approved the plan, even though it will be located slightly less than 25 feet from the house. – Approved
11 Elcano Drive – Enclosing second-floor patio – Approved
41 Princesa Drive – Three-foot ornamental wrought iron fence to the property line – This will still be about 30′ to 40′ from the golf course. Approved with variance.
52 Sergio Drive – Landscaping for a new home. – Approved
115 Cifuentes Way – Landscaping for a new home. – Approved
8 Encantado Lane – Deck extension – Using synthetic deck material on top of the existing concrete deck and building the extension with synthetic deck material (no concrete).
50 Tiburon Way – Landscaping – replacing grass with all gravel yard – Approved
9 Galeon Lane – Fence – wrought iron – Approved with a variance for the side yard.
12 Fletante Way – Landscaping – Approved
14 Fletante Way – Landscaping – Approved
3 Alina Lane – Shed – Approved
55 Toledo Drive – Landscaping for a new home – Approved
8 Escondite Lane – Expanding the existing deck. – The Townhome Association has signed off on this. – Approved
40 Laquita Place – Replacing old deck on a townhouse – Approved
22 Daganza Place – Covering over the existing patio on a townhouse – Approved
New Home Permits Approved
2 Gozar Lane
26 Ribera Way
29 Rocoso Drive
38 Mandarina Drive
47 Mandarina Drive
49 Campo
81 and 83 Largo Drive
Compliance and Permitting Stats
Charles Brown updated the committee on the compliance and permitting statistics.
Number of inspections completed by the end of August 2022 – 2607 / Compared to this time in 2021 – 2084
Small permits issued year-to-date 1,377 / Compared to 2021 year-to-date 1,157 small permits issued in 2021
New homes built year-to-date 2022 – 87 / Compared to 90 new homes built at this time in 2021.
There are 97 new homes under construction at this time.
The Compliance Division opened a total of 649 cases, year-to-date. The dominant violations include:
- Exterior property premises violations
- Parking violations
- Signage violations,
- Storage of vehicle violations, and
- Boats and trailers stored on residential property.
By Cheryl Dowden
I was the meeting on Aug 1 or Sept 1?
Not even sure how this sign got on their agenda. No one from the E-Lions was aware it was up for discussion. Had we known, we could have clarified the situation that this is not a new sign and is the same sign previously approved with the exception that it now has the major donors names on it. Part of the marketing approach was that corporate donor names would be displayed. Additionally, the Dog Park, Veterans Memorial, various benches throughout the Village, the pickleball courts all have acknowledgements of the gracious and giving nature of this community.
The sponsors of the Dog Park are listed on signage.
If I were a donor, I would not want my name published