Villagers, do you really know your Board of Directors? Let’s see how well we know them.
HSV Gazette dot com is sponsoring a trivia contest called, “HSV, How Well Do You Know Your Board Directors?” This is a contest for Hot Springs Village Property Owners and a prize will be awarded to the Property Owner with the most correct responses. You need not be a resident of the Village, but you must own property. In the case of ties, one winner will be drawn from a hat containing the names of all the winners.
I have reached out to the Hot Springs Village Board Directors, asking for their participation in this fun contest. I am pleased that all seven of them have responded and are willing to participate.
Let’s Have Some Fun!
Fast Facts About the Trivia Contest
- The basic premise behind the contest is that each of the seven participating Board Directors submits five interesting facts about themselves that ostensibly no one in the village knows.
- Starting tomorrow, Monday, May 2, will publish one fact from each participating Board Member five days in a row. For example, Monday’s article will contain one fact from each participating Board Member, and so on to continue until Friday.
- The object of the contest is to guess what fact goes with what Board Member.
- Property Owner participants must respond with their answers in the comment section of this website, only. Commenting on all other venues will be closed. Please respond only once for each day of the contest on the appropriate article. Please do not send responses in emails, private messages, etc., as any responses in these venues will be disregarded. Keep scrolling below the article to see the comment section.
- Only the first responses from each participant for each day of the contest will be counted.
- Your email address must be included in your response, so I am able to contact the winner. DO NOT put your email address in the body of your comment so that it will not be visible to anyone but

- All submissions must contain your real full name.
- You do not have to respond/comment on the day the articles are published. You will have until Sunday, May 8, 2022, at 8:00 PM to respond to all five articles. Tabulations of the responses will be done after 8:00 PM on Sunday, May 8, 2022.
- No entries submitted after 8:00 PM on Sunday, May 8, 2022, will be permitted.
- All inappropriate responses will not be published and not be tabulated for contest purposes.
- The contest is only open to HSV Property Owners. Board Members and their families may not participate. HSVPOA staff may also participate as long as they own property in the Village.
- After tabulating the entries, the first prize winner will be announced on Monday, May 9, 2022.
It was brought to my attention that by publishing the entries as they come in, some people may use that to their advantage. This gives an unfair advantage to people who wait to make their guesses until they see what others have to say. Due to this, contest entries will not be published, in order to keep people from copying.
- The prize is one $50 gift certificate to Melinda’s Cafe and Coffee. Click here to visit Melinda’s website.
Thank you to all of the Board Members for participating in this contest:
JoAnne (Joanie) Corry, HSVPOA Board Chair; Gary Belair, HSVPOA Board Vice-Chair; Pam Avila; Robert (Bob) McLeod; Tucker Omohundro, Bruce Caverly; and Jama Lopez.