On December 18, 2024, the Lakes Committee presented its semi-annual report to the HSV Board of Directors. Steve FitzGerald, Chair of the Lakes Committee, delivered the update.

FitzGerald explained that the committee’s role is to guide POA staff on lake-related issues and report to the Board of Directors. His presentation covered numerous topics, including the fall semi-annual lakes assessment, updates on the Lakes Committee website and social media outreach, support for dredging efforts at Lake Coronado, and ongoing geese mitigation initiatives.

Fall 2024 Lakes Assessments

FitzGerald noted that assessments of the lakes require a considerable amount of the committee’s time. With 11 recreational lakes in the village and only 2.5 staff members dedicated to supporting them, the committee evaluates 14 criteria each fall and spring. This process provides the lakes staff with a valuable “second set of eyes.”

Lakes Website and Social Media Efforts

To enhance communication with villagers, the committee created a website three years ago. Last year, the committee also initiated posting a weekly or bi-weekly lakes report on social media, covering visibility levels, temperatures, and lake levels. The online initiatives have received positive feedback.

Support to Lakes Management Dredging Activities

Lake dredging typically occurs around this time of year, and the committee assists staff by providing information and answering questions from shoreliners. FitzGerald mentioned that the lakes staff is making significant progress on dredging Lake Coronado.

Lake Balboa has over 700 shoreliners and is scheduled for dredging next year. FitzGerald advised Lake Balboa shoreliners to begin planning for next year’s dredging activities. Typical tasks shoreliners accomplish during lake drawdowns include repairs of seawalls and boat docks.

Click here to visit the Lakes Committee’s website and read “POA Lake Dredging: Frequently Asked Questions.”

2024/2025 Geese Mitigation Efforts

The geese mitigation efforts in Hot Springs Village are led by the Common Property, Forest, and Wildlife Committee, with assistance from the Golf Department, which helps identify areas where geese are nesting on the courses. A record is maintained of typical nesting sites. The Lakes Committee assists with geese addling efforts.

Once a nest is located, timing is crucial. A thin layer of corn oil must be applied to each egg at least five days after incubation and at least five days before hatching. The corn oil blocks the egg’s pores, preventing oxygen exchange.

Geese addling, which encourages the geese to relocate, is considered a humane method for controlling flock growth and stabilizing the geese’ population.

Plans for the Next Three to Six Months

Having completed this year’s lakes assessment, the committee is focused on enhancing the process for April 2025.

The Lakes Committee will continue collaborating with the Common Property, Forest, and Wildlife Committee on geese addling efforts.

The committee will keep updating and improving the HSVLakes.com website and publishing weekly statistics.

Additionally, the committee will actively recruit for upcoming committee vacancies.

Interested in Joining the Team?

The Lakes Committee Chairman said there will probably be three vacancies next year. If you are interested in joining the Lakes Committee, applications are available here and can be submitted via email to jwhite@hsvpoa.org or in person at the HSVPOA Administration Building, 895 DeSoto Boulevard, attention Julie White, Assistant to the General Manager.

In Conclusion

FitzGerald earnestly concluded that we have two and a half hard-working staff who work to manage the Hot Springs Village lakes. Samuel Scott is the lakes supervisor and is assisted by Kurk Niestrath and Joe Bennett. Bennett serves in a part-time capacity.

Click here to visit the Lakes Committee’s website.

By Cheryl Dowden

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