Hot Springs Village Tennis Center’s own Rachel Sweatt competed in the United States Tennis Association National Tournament in San Diego, California, this past April. Having won the title for level 4.5 last year she made sure that the win last year was not viewed as “all luck” by a solid win again this year. This competition features qualifying players from around the nation, is played once a year and because it is the “best of the best” it is very fierce competition!
Those who play with her or watch her play know her for this classic twirl after each win!
Having lived here for just over a year now, Rachel calls Hot Springs Village Tennis Center her “home court.” There are many players that hit with her and push her to be her best, cheering her on at each competition. Rachel has been embraced by the entire community here in Coronado, who respect, tolerate, work with, play with, and embrace her quirky autistic traits. This community looks after her and encourages her. She tells us daily that she is safe here and that has made a huge impact on her confidence and growth as a person. Everyone here is slowly teaching her how to interact with others through their kindness and playfulness. There are many players that hit with her and push her to be her best, cheering her on at each competition. This National Award goes to all who embrace her, her “friends” here at the HS Village Tennis Center.
The rest of the “good news” is that although Rachel has been ranked nationally in the USTA’s top three for quite a while she is now solidly ranked the #1 USTA 4.5 player in the nation!
From her parents, we wish to thank all of her “friends” for the gift of friendship, guidance, and love that has embraced our child. Moving here was a life-changing event for our little family! Go, Rachel!
By Deby Sweatt
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