Hot Springs Village Bear (all photos courtesy of Michelle Brown)

Previously the HSV Gazette published an article called, “DON’T FEED THE BEARS – THEIR LIVES DEPEND ON IT!” from HSVPOA Lakes, Dams, Common Property, and Forestry Superintendent Todd Noles.

As reports of Village bear(s) eating from bird feeders have escalated and the bear(s) is/are beginning to show a lack of fear of humans, on Tuesday, May 30, Arkansas Game and Fish asked us to please remove our bird feeders.

“Over the next few days, Arkansas Game and Fish will monitor the movement of our Village bear to determine if it needs to be relocated to a safer environment. They have asked that Village residents temporarily remove their bird feeders as part of the monitoring efforts.

“Thanks in advance for your cooperation in this effort to keep Villagers and our wildlife safe.”