The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Board of Directors held its Public 2022 Board Retreat at Diamante Clubhouse on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, at 8:30 AM.

There was also a closed Retreat on Wednesday, May 11. The purpose of the private session was for the Board to organize and determine how to move forward in the 2022/2023 year. Board Chair, Joanie Corry, addressed the public group.

The Chair shared, “This morning I was sitting outside and was reminded of how blessed we all are to live here in the Village. Driving here, I saw three houses being built, fiber optics coming in…It’s all very exciting. I just think we are very lucky to be here. “

“I appreciate everybody’s hard work. We have two new Board Members seated – Bruce Caverly and Jama Lopez.”

“We have several new employees…It is an exciting year. We have a lot of opportunities in this next year to come together.”

Look for a series of the Board Retreat featured speakers to be published soon.

cheryl dowden publisher hsv gazette

Cheryl Dowden, Publisher