HSVPOA BOARD BRIEF #38 – May 8, 2024
Saline County and Disaster Relief
On May 6th Kelly Hale, POA General Manager, along with Board of Directors Chair and Vice Chair, Joanne Corry and Larry Siener respectively, attended the finance committee meeting of the Saline County Quorum Court where an emergency ordinance was being considered. From the County general fund, the ordinance would establish a sub-fund titled “Disaster Relief Fund” for the purpose of providing dedicated funding to assist residents of Saline County in the event of a natural disaster.
Mr. Hale presented a summary of HSV tornado recovery efforts, emphasizing the potential clean-up costs for affected areas within Saline County and the need for assistance.
After a brief discussion the Saline County Quorum Court finance committee elected not to approve this emergency ordinance that would help residents recover from a natural disaster such as the tornado experienced last month in Hot Springs Village.
While disappointed in this outcome, the POA will continue tornado recovery efforts using POA emergency reserve funds. The POA will also continue working to obtain assistance and support for recovery efforts from Garland County, the State of Arkansas, and the POA property and casualty insurance carrier.
The POA and Board will continue to keep Villagers informed as tornado recovery efforts continue.
Respectfully provided,
HSVPOA Board of Directors
May 8, 2024

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