The Hot Springs Village POA Board of Directors held its Meeting on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Immediately following, a Special Meeting was conducted to swear in the new Board Members and elect officers. This report combines the individual segments of the Board Meeting in one place and reports on additional items.
Ratification of email vote for $1 M for tornado cleanup
The Board ratified an email vote for emergency funds. On April 3, 2024, the Board voted via e-mail to make $1,000,000 in emergency funds available for the tornado cleanup. Board Director Mark Quinton made the motion, and Vice Chair Gary Belair seconded and the Board voted unanimously to APPROVE.
The 2024 Board of Directors election was certified.
Two committee appointments were made. David Blankenship was appointed to the Trails Committee, and Jared Robinson to the Architectural Control Committee.
Lindsey Baker, our Independent Audit Partner from EGP, presented a report on the audit. Baker’s report starts at the 4:27 time stamp in the video below.
Click here to read “HSV GM Kelly Hale Has Positive 2023 Annual Report.”
Controller Jama Lopez presented the March financials. Lopez’s report begins at the 25.00 time stamp in the video below.
Click here to read “Golf Committee Bi-annual Report – April 17, 2024.”
Click here to read “HSV Rental Registration – Phase 2 in Effect.”
Click here to read “HSVPOA Director Sexton Enthuses Over Successful Trade Shows.”
Click here to read “HSVPOA Associate Public Services Director Matt Broom presents Culvert Rehab Project.”
Click here to read Resolution of Recognition and Appreciation for Bob McLeod – Kelly Hale, General Manager.
Cheryl Dowden was presented with the Chairman’s Award by Chair Joanie Corry.

Board Member Comments
Board Members Gary Belair and Mark Quinton commented at the end of the April 17, 2024 Board Meeting. Belair addressed the use of the word “Renaissance,” while Quinton spoke on personally dealing with the recent tornado, announced the 2024 Archery Senior Olympics and the upgrades made to the Archery Range with funds earned during the HSV 2023 Urban Deer Hunt.
Renaissance in Hot Springs Village
Board Member Gary Belair said that he appreciates words and their actual meanings, and he was glad to hear General Manager Kelly Hale use the word “Renaissance” when referring to the transformation the Village has been undergoing over the past two and a half years. Belair said the Board has been concerned with fiscal responsibility, safety, and staff succession training. “Safety involves all the people who work for us, with us, here in the Village. We appreciate that. Fiscal responsibility because, let’s face it, nothing in the world is free. Nothing in the world is cheap. So it takes good planning and everything we hear from Kelly [Hale] and his staff about what they found and saved that month. We appreciate that. Succession training so we don’t have to go through what we did a couple of years ago with a couple of the departments. I just want to reinforce Kelly’s use of the word “Renaissance.”
Personally dealing with the tornado
Board Member Mark Quinton said it has been a hard time for him and his wife because of the tornado that damaged their property. “You feel devastated. You feel heartbroken whenever you walk out your door and try to drive down the road.” Quinton said things have been better in the past week with the insurance company coming around, and work on his structure will be starting soon. The roads are being cleared. Quinton’s friends and neighbors are still asking what they can do to help.
Hot Springs Village to Host 2024 Archery Senior Olympics
Quinton announced he secured the Archery Senior Olympics in Hot Springs Village on August 24. This entails a 900-round archery tournament. A 900-round consists of 30 arrows at 60, 50, and 40 yards. The age classifications are 50 to 55, 55 to 60, 60 to 65, 65 to 70, and 75 and older.
The last Archery Senior Olympics was in Little Rock, with only around 20 participants, so everyone received a medal. “If you want to be able to brag to your grandkids that you shot in the Olympics and won a medal, it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to start getting the bow out.”
Quinton plans to hold an open house at the HSV Archery Range and said he would write an article about it with more information. He encourages Villagers to watch for more information.
Hot Springs Village Urban Deer Hunt Proceeds Used to Improve the Archery Range
Quinton said some money from the Hot Springs Village Urban Deer Hunt was used to improve the Archery Range. To visit the Archery Range, take DeSoto Boulevard to Fenix Drive. The range was leveled, parking increased and bales were replaced.
Hale said the POA took over the Urban Deer Hunt and limited participation to members and a guest and state first responders. $5,000 of the proceeds was donated to Hunters Feeding the Hungry. Because the hunt was internal, there were fewer issues. Previously, tree stands were vandalized, cameras stolen, littering, and hunters shot in hunt-free areas. Also, in the past, there were altercations between hunters.
Bob McLeod thanked everyone
The meeting was the last time in Board Director Bob McLeod’s term. He thanked everyone and said they had come a long way. “It has been very rewarding, and I have really enjoyed it. I think anyone wanting to be involved should be, and I would like to see many more people run for the Board of Directors. It is very fulfilling. It makes you feel really good, and I have enjoyed it a lot.”
Click here to read “Tailgating and Road Rage Controversy at Glazy Peau Gate.” This report involves two member comments and Police Chief Kristi Bennett’s response.
Report compiled by Cheryl Dowden
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