Exciting times! The HSVPOA will launch a new Members Portal on the Explore the Village Website, expected to be live early in November.
Many complaints about the Explore the Village Website have been lodged for years. The POA has listened and, with the help of a vendor, is redesigning the site. Consisting of two sections, a Visitors Section and a Members Section, the POA is simplifying the Members Section of Explore the Village and making it more user-friendly. There are also changes to the Visitors Section to make it more attractive and easier to use.
Over the coming weeks, the Hot Springs Village POA will provide information on changes in the Members Portal for Explore the Village. Covering a different section of the portal each week, the POA will help to prepare the members for when the new portal goes live.
The first change you will notice is that the entire Members Section will be password protected, which requires you to log in to access the Members Section. See the image below.

In the future, the POA will share through E-Blasts how to easily navigate the new Members Portal, the content in each menu, and where to find the information you need. We will also share this information here in the HSV Gazette.
The POA will also provide a complete user guide to download and keep for your reference.
You can also look forward to a computer lab hosted by the POA, where you can come and learn about the new portal in a real environment before the new Members Portal goes live.
Stay tuned! More to come in the weeks ahead!

By Cheryl Dowden (Information and images provided in POA E-Blast)
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This is at least the 2nd website update in 7 years. Let’s hope it actually pans out as it should. We have also had several accounting system upgrades in the last several years none of which worked out as they should have. It seems like we keep spending money on inadequate systems by substandard vendors. Hopefully that is now a thing of the past as well. Time will tell.