Buzz Carpenter, Chair of the Hot Springs Village POA Trails Committee updated the Board of Directors on the committee’s activities at the June 15, 2022 Board Meeting.
Carpenter said, “We have gotten 3 new members to the trail committee. One is a computer programmer and he’s working on a program for QR codes. We plan on putting QR codes at the trail heads that will have a map and information about flowers and trees seen on that trail. We hope to make them seasonal, so the information changes with the season.”
Review of Events
“The Grove to Cove Hike had 35 participants. A few new people said they moved here because of the trail system.”
We built a bridge at Cooper Preserve so the trail could cross a deep stream.

“We have started repairs on the benches on Balboa dam, as several are falling apart. The woodworkers’ group is helping with the inscriptions and construction.”
“There were 35 photos submitted for our photo contest in May.”
“No upcoming events, as we wait until the temps cool off in the fall. Enjoy your summer.”