Matt Broom, Associate Director of PS, requested
motion to proceed with DeSoto mill & overlay

At the Wednesday, February 21, Board Meeting, Broom said, “I am sure all of you are very aware of the current condition of DeSoto, just east of the Ponce / DeSoto intersection.” A 1.2-mile repair is needed due to the Superpave* surface failing and the road developing many potholes from the recent January inclement weather events.

Mill and overlay work on this section of DeSoto Boulevard was not expected to occur this year and was not in the budget. Broom explained, “Mother Nature outlined this for us.” Although the potholes have been patched, “this was only a ‘bandaid’ and will not prevent further deterioration.”

RedRock Paving, the paving contractor for Cranford Construction, provided a low bid of $540,000, compared to Tri-Lakes Hauling at $630,000. Fortunately, the bid came in much lower than expected at a price of $25.71 per square yard. RedRock can beat Tri Lakes’ rate due to owning its own asphalt plant and milling equipment.

Kelly Hale, General Manager of HSVPOA, said that they made it clear to the vendor that the “intersection of Ponce and DeSoto is a very critical intersection to our community. There are no really good detours to get around that. The contractor states they can come in early in the morning to get the intersection done and get out of the way before traffic builds up in the morning. That was an attractive point.”

Both Joanie Corry, Board Chair, and Mark Quinton, Board Member, mentioned that although we want our roads to be repaired, we don’t care for the inconvenience this work causes. Vice Chair Gary Belair thanked Public Services for addressing this issue so quickly.

Although this motion was presented in the New Business category, the board passed the motion unanimously due to the importance of addressing the project in a timely manner.

Broom enthused, “It is exciting having Cranford Construction back in here, bidding work again for the first time in many years!”

RedRock will begin this project on Wednesday, February 28, 2024. As an added bonus, the road will be crowned to allow it to shed water and prevent standing water during precipitation events. There will be single-lane closures, but no need for a detour. “We will reconstruct the road back properly,” stated Broom.

Todd Noles, Streets and Sanitation Superintendent, will oversee this project carefully.

The POA sent out the following notice in the Friday, February 23, 2024 Eblast:

Weather permitting, beginning on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, Public Services will begin milling in the early hours of the morning (4:00 a.m.) at the DeSoto Boulevard / Ponce De Leon Drive intersection. The road replacement will stretch to the west end of Pizarro Drive. It is estimated that the project will continue until the end of the following week. Expect lane closures and slow traffic. Please be cautious and use the Balboa Gate to avoid this stretch on Desoto.

* Superpave is a thin overlay, executed five or six years ago, that did not hold up, possibly due to incorrect application. When staff was blowing off the road to fill the potholes temporarily, it was noticed that the Superpave was delaminating or peeling.

Matt Broom requests crucial, unexpected work on DeSoto inside

(L-R) PS Director Ken Unger & Associate PS Director Matt Broom
request crucial DeSoto road repair

By Cheryl Dowden



KenĀ Unger
Director Public Services
Hot Springs Village

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