Terry Wiley, Parks and Recreation Director, reported on repairing the Ponce de Leon Center porte-cochere at the July and August Hot Springs Village Board Meetings. The motion for repair was passed unanimously at the July 19, 2023 Board Meeting.

The structure suffered extensive damage in a recent storm, necessitating the replacement of the clear panels. The frame is still in good shape.
Updating the Board, at the August 16, 2023, Board Meeting, Wiley stated that he received an email from Binswanger Glass that repairs would begin this month (August 2023). The scope of work with the quoted price includes installing 48 sheets of 240x48x240 clear polycarbonate inside the existing frame and structure. Binswanger Glass was the only company to respond to the bid request.

This project was previously planned for 2022 but was deferred due to extensive costs, but the POA is left with no choice but to replace the panels at this time because of the storm damage. This project will cost $82,842 and will not be covered by insurance due to the deductible being $100,000.
Wiley previously stated that work for this project should not negatively affect the programs, shows, and meetings scheduled at the Woodlands Auditorium or the Ouachita Building.
Board Chair Joanie Corry shared that Villagers have been inquiring about this replacement.
Click here to visit the HSVPOA website, Explore the Village.
By Cheryl Dowden