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ShugaBeatz is a delightful husband and wife duo that provides live music at local venues for your listening and dancing pleasure. Laura Sorrells plays the keyboard, while hubby Bill handles the drums. In addition, both of them perform vocals.
ShugaBeatz features various types of music to accommodate the following dance styles: swing, foxtrot, country, cha-cha, and waltz. They have something for everyone!
The duet will again be performing at the Townhouse Community Center on Saturday, September 24, 2022, from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. The THA Community Center is located at 1 Perralena Lane, Hot Springs Village. The charge is $7.50 at the door and if beverages are desired, you should bring your own drinks, ice, and cups.
Always appreciative of their fans, the Sorrells said, “thank you for coming out on August 27 for our last monthly dance and we are looking forward to seeing you on the 24th.” Requests are always welcome and if possible, will be accommodated.
Come on out for a great time! Everyone is welcome.
By Cheryl Dowden