Forestry Superintendent Todd Noles said, “The Hot Springs Village Timber Management Program is slated to begin Tuesday, August 8, 2023. This program is necessary to help maintain a healthy forest.”
Noles requested that drivers on Rocosa Drive, Alteza Drive, and Maderas Drive to please use caution and watch for trucks while the project is ongoing.
Additionally, the road going into the Cooper Preserve will be closed, and the Superintendent asks everyone to abstain from using the dirt road going into the Preserve for safety reasons. Noles stated, “Absolutely no one should use this road. There will be trees falling and trucks leaving and entering, which could pose a danger for anyone attempting to drive on the Cooper Preserve entry road.
Noles estimates the program to last approximately four to six weeks. He thanks everyone for their adherence to his safety requests and patience as he sees the forestry management program to completion.
By Cheryl Dowden

Are they cleaning up in the Preserve proper, or on the Cooper Properties abutting the Preserve? Could we get a map of the areas they’ll be removing the trees from? The hound and I were going to cut into the Preserve the back way to avoid the trucks on our daily walks down Rocoso but it sounds like they are working in the Preserve — We’re trying not to get splattered by a logging truck on Rocoso or a tree in an area being worked on
Linda, for your safety and the safety of your dog, please remain out of the area. I am sorry. I do not have a map. Thanks.
Thanks for trying, I’ll stick to the street and keep an eye out for the trucks.
I’m looking forward to seeing how everything turns out. It’s nice to see so many improvements in the short time we’ve been here
We live on Rocoso and the road here is narrow – and so many trucks want to drive down the middle of the road. It is perilous for any walkers or those driving a car, without the EXTRA traffic caused by this project . I would suggest that Public Works put in one of those mirrors at the corner of Rocoso and Lucir to provide some help in identifying when a truck is heading down the street. I would also ask that the logging truck drivers adhere to lower speeds than normal, so that they can stop in a reasonable distance. This post makes it look like all of the safety precautions should be taken by the residents: I submit that I think that extra caution be taken by those logging truck drivers. We certainly don’t want an accident to occur !
Sue, thanks for commenting. I am sorry if I implied that only the residents should be careful. That was not my intention. Greenbay Packaging is a well-respected company and hopefully the drivers are being extra careful. An accident would be terrible! I think your suggestion of a mirror and slow speeds are very good suggestions. – Cheryl Dowden
There are some fairly unstable looking 35-40 feet pines on the 29 Asombroso Ln vacant lot next to me. How do I contact the responsible party for this lot before there is a terrible accident due to Deterioration of these trees??? Thank you.
According to Saline County records, 29 Asombroso Lane belongs to Flatiron Realty Holdings, LLC., PO BOX 12005, ALBANY NY 12212.
It doesn’t make a lot of sense to repair and repave Maderas Drive and then bring logging trucks. This will be a good test for the paving company.
Ron, this is a test to see how durable the full-depth reclamation process is. Thanks.
Where is the Cooper preserve?
Hi Mark. Thanks for asking. I have uploaded a map from the Explore the Village website that gives some clarification.
What about the thinning you said you were going to do inside Victoria lane loop