Where is the Assessment Money Going? Unger Updates the Community on Infrastructure
Hot Springs Village Public Services Director Ken Unger shared some of this year’s completed infrastructure work and intended future projects with us. This article only highlights some of the work accomplished and planned. The full list is too extensive to cover in one or two articles. “These projects are part of what the new assessment money specifically targeted to infrastructure is paying for,” explained Unger.
According to Act 605 of 2021, sewer and water costs should be covered by money collected from utility bills and not paid out of assessment money. However, this category has a year-to-date shortfall of over $170,000.
Unger stated, “According to Act 605, we should be charging on the utility bills what it takes to fund our water and sewer day-to-day costs and also needed infrastructure repairs and improvements.” Due to the Act 605 requirement that sewer and water be self-sustaining, this article does not cover those categories.
Culvert Work
This year, forty-six culverts were completed using in-house talent. Contractors also replaced 47 culverts this year. An additional contracted culvert is also in the plans.
Two culverts in Diamante were lined with the spiral lining process. The video below shows the spiral lining process used at Diamante. The video was not shot at Diamante but was a demonstration done on the east side of Hot Springs Village.
Dam Work
Unger said his department has started investing money in Hot Springs Village dams, which have been neglected over the years. “I don’t know when the POA invested money in the dams,” said Unger.
An emergency repair, overseen by Dam Superintendent Todd Noles, is being completed on Lake Pineda. Here is a link to the article. In addition, Unger will be building structures called “cofferdams.”
Unger Plans to Build Cofferdams
According to Wikipedia, a cofferdam is an enclosure built within a body of water to allow the enclosed area to be pumped or drained. The area is drained to create a dry working environment to carry out work safely. Cofferdams are often used for the construction or repair of permanent dams. Unger has plans to build cofferdams in Hot Springs Village.
Initially, Unger plans to re-line the outlet pipe housing the outlet gate valve at Lake Isabella Dam. This pipe is 180′ long with a 30″ diameter. The pipe starts in the outlet box in the lake outside the dam.*
Unger said using cofferdams is a common practice in a water environment. Sheets of metal will be used to form a box, and concrete will be poured to complete the cofferdam. The cofferdam will allow workers to climb into the pipe to assist with the re-lining project.
In the future, Unger plans to build cofferdams on additional Village dams. Unger shared that many of the outlet pipes are immersed in the lakes and do not have a surrounding structure. “There is no surrounding structure like on Lake Isabella,” explained the Public Services Director. The lack of a surrounding structure on the pipes means that the end of the pipe is not accessible.
Erosion Management

“For erosion management purposes, rip rap was added at Lake Granada Dam. This area was cited for violating (ANRC) rules. This project is part of upgrading our infrastructure and meeting legal requirements.” Rip rap was also installed at other Village Dam locations.
Road Work
Unger has implemented a Road Preservation Program this year. Click here to read, “Unger Forges Ahead on Hot Springs Village Road Preservation Projects.”
Unger said, “From a cost standpoint, I am trying to preserve as much road as possible, not as much reconstruction because of all the utility work needed. I don’t want to invest millions in the roads until I am confident that the utility lines will not keep blowing up.” The Public Services Director is focusing on preserving the roads as much as possible instead of reconstruction because of the damage caused to the roads when work is done on the utility lines.
“Once we have the utility work under control, and I know we are not at risk anymore [of utility problems leading to road damage], then I will concentrate more on the roads,” stated Unger.
Unger said that Barcelona Road has been fog-sealed and striped. Part of Barcelona has received crowning for better runoff during rain. Crowning of the roads is good for longevity and safety reasons. During a rain event, if a road is not crowned, water can accumulate on the road instead of draining, which is not good for the life of the road. In addition, this water can make it difficult to see the white lines painted on the sides of the road.
Part of Maderas Road has experienced a full-depth reclamation treatment, but the project may be expanded to include the exit.
“My goal is to identify all the underlying issues and put plans in place to address these issues. All I can do is lay out everything and make the community aware of the issues. It doesn’t pay for me to keep everything hidden. It needs to be broadcast out…Here’s what the problems are… Here is what we have to face…”
Ken Unger, HSVPOA Public Services Director
Unger said he is always happy to talk to Villagers about his work in the Village.
Cover Image: Lake Isabella Gate Valve Structure Damaged by Boater (Image courtesy of HSV Superintendent Todd Noles)
*Of additional interest, The outlet gate valve on Lake Isabella previously made the news when, on Monday, March 20, 2023, this outlet gate valve suffered extensive damage due to a boating accident. This accident caused the lake level to lower three feet in 36 hours, with a repair cost of $35,000.
By Cheryl Dowden
Contact Information for Public Services Director
Ken Unger
Director Public Services
Hot Springs Village
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Thank you, Cheryl for this important information.
You are welcome, Melanie. Have a lovely day. – Cheryl Dowden