Saturday, June 25
Riding from West Gate to East Gate, beginning at approximately 10:30 AM
On Saturday morning, June 25, an estimated 200 plus members of the Defenders Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club will ride down DeSoto Blvd. from our West Gate to East Gate. Hot Springs Village members and sponsored guests are invited to see this club of current and retired military personnel, law enforcement officers, and emergency services personnel ride their big machines though our Village.
Traffic Direction
To allow these motorcycle riders uninterrupted travel through the Village, we encourage everyone to avoid driving or crossing DeSoto Blvd. between 10:15 and 11:30 AM Saturday, June 25. Please plan to avoid DeSoto during this time, or better yet, find a place along DeSoto to watch the riders! The westbound lane of DeSoto Blvd. will be open throughout the ride. Portions of the eastbound lane of DeSoto will not be accessible during certain segments of the motorcycle ride.
Parking and Watching Places
We recommend the following locations for parking and watching the ride:
- DeSoto Club: 102 Clubhouse Drive at west end of Hot Springs Village.
- DeSoto Outdoor Pool and Recreation Area: 205 and 209 DeSoto Blvd.
- POA Administration Building: 895 DeSoto Blvd.
- Grove Park and East Parking Lot of Ponce de Leon Center: 1101 and 1105 DeSoto Blvd. Please allow parking space near the Veterans Memorial for our military and first-responder guests to attend the event described below.
- Faith Lutheran Church parking lot: 1196 DeSoto Blvd. The church has given us permission to park in their lot.
Please do not park at churches or private businesses without permission from the property owners or tenants.
Special Event for Military, Police, Fire, and First Responders
Saturday, June 25
10:00 AM -12:00 Noon (During the Defenders Motorcycle Club Ride)
Veterans Memorial at Ponce de Leon Center, 1101 DeSoto Blvd
All current and retired military, police, fire, and first-responder personnel are invited to a special gathering during the Defenders Motorcycle Club ride. Come join us at the Veterans Memorial at 10 AM on Saturday, June 25. We will have food and fellowship, so bring your chairs, family, your best stories and wear your favorite hat or shirt to represent your branch of service. This gathering is hosted by volunteers who care about our heroes in our community.
Come be part of recognition and support to our heroes of our Nation and our Community.

Outdoor Pool: Special Hours for Saturday, June 25 ONLY
DeSoto Outdoor Pool will open at 12:30 PM and close at 7:00 PM on Saturday. This is a one-time change of schedule to allow parking space for the motorcycle event and easier access to the pool facility.

Thank you Cheryl for reposting this.. Thanks to everyone for spreading this information. Drivers need to reroute their trips using alternate roads for the safety of these riders.
I am glad to repost it. Thank you for the support. This is such a little thing asked of us (to avoid driving on DeSoto) for such a short amount of time. It is an opportunity for us to show our support to those who keep us safe.