The Village Pines Garden Club is holding its Annual Fall Mums Sale and Fundraiser in September. This plant sale fundraiser helps the garden club with its many beautification projects in Hot Springs Village.
Our current beautification projects are the Historic Gravesite on Cortez Road, Butterfly Memorial Garden and the Six Planter Urns at the Ponce de Leon Center, the Balboa Pavilion, East Gatehouse Island, Coronado Fitness Center, Ms. June’s Garden at the Coronado Library, and newest and soon to be complete 50th Anniversary Legacy project at the Coronado Center water feature garden site.
We are taking orders through October 8th, 2023, with delivery the week of October 9th. Please note the information required to send in your order.
The club is offering pre-ordered 12-inch pots of lush, large, and beautiful blooms in Red, Yellow, and Bronze. Priced at $20.00 Each. Place your order soon to get your choice of colors.

When placing your order, include a detailed note if you cannot print the order form. For your convenience, we have included an order form below. We can also email the order form to you. Don’t hesitate to contact Sharon Welborn with questions (918) 527-1629.
Orders Must Be Accompanied With a Check Payable to:
Village Pines Garden Club
Mail to:
91 Mesero Way, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909
Important Announcement: In celebration of our 50 years in the Village, the Pines invites the public to the October 3 club meeting to hear our special guest speaker, Janet Carson. She is an expert in gardening throughout Arkansas, an Arkansas Gazette columnist who has written many articles for various publications, a popular speaker, and a recent retiree from UA Extension Service. This special invitation presentation begins at 11 a.m. at the Coronado Community Center.
The Village Pines Garden Club, founded in 1973, is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., and Southwest District of AFGC.
The Village Pines Garden Club thanks you for your support!