Hot Springs Village is considering the implementation of a contractor registry accessible to POA members. This initiative aims to provide residents with a reliable database of contractors who are licensed and insured. During a recent Public Services Committee Meeting, this topic was actively discussed among Board Members, staff, and committee members. Concerns regarding legal liability and the potential value for contractors who pay a registration fee were highlighted.

Chief among the considerations is developing a resident-accessible database that could offer reassurance about a contractor’s credentials. However, to avoid legal liability, a disclaimer would be necessary, clarifying that the POA does not endorse the contractors listed but merely confirms their licensing, insurance, and registration status. There may also be a star rating system included if the registry becomes public.

Board Directors and Public Services Director Ken Unger emphasized the importance of thoroughly planning this project before implementation, considering the complexities involved.

“It takes time to put something like this in place and work out all the kinks and problems. This is not a hard and fast need for us right now. It will benefit the POA, and we will get to this when possible. I want it to be well thought out before it is presented back to the Board of Directors. This may be a project that the Public Services Committee works on,” stated Unger.

Board Director Larry Siener said the Board has discussed this topic and has “significant concern regarding anything that smells remotely of liability to the POA.”

Siener feels the POA needs a preferred vendor list for the companies they work with. “Us [the POA] being Nanny Rabbit to everybody around here who wants to hire a contractor to do all kinds of different things, there is going to be a perceived implication, even if there is not a valid legal responsibility, amongst people in the community. There could be a perception that if the POA provides a list of vendors, the POA is somehow responsible for managing and controlling said vendors. Quite frankly, we are not going to go there.” If the POA attorneys give us the proper disclaimers, a vendor registration available to POA members may be considered.

Board Director Doyle Baker stated that many cities charge a registration fee for contractors, and this may help to keep out the scam artists and riff-raff. The main purpose of establishing a contractor registry accessible to members is to help the community. “Certainly, we need to look at this,” Baker said. “There are already costs associated with managing the system, and a fee would help to cover some of those expenses.”

By Cheryl Dowden


Ken Unger
Director Public Services
Hot Springs Village

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