Family Expresses Gratitude to First Responders, HSVPOA Staff, and Outside Agencies
Our First Responders, HSVPOA Staff, and Outside Agencies have worked tirelessly night and day since the tornado hit the Village on Thursday, March 14. They cleared trees from vehicles, homes, and off-roadways and rescued people with little to no sleep. Performing dangerous work under difficult conditions, they risked life and limb to care for us.
Villagers Jennifer and Tony Freeman share their 2024 March tornado experience. Jennifer explains what happened to them below and expresses her deep gratitude to everyone who worked to save lives and restore the Village.
Jennifer posted on Facebook
“We are OK!
“The tornado came through last night at about 8:10. We had just huddled under a mattress in the laundry room when Parker said her ears were hurting. We wrapped our arms around our girls and held on tight as they cried because they were scared. We could hear things sliding around outside and around us.
“We knew something was terribly wrong when water poured into Tony’s game room and the dining room. The roof had been lifted off the far side of the house. At about 11:30, the ceiling collapsed
“AGAIN, we are ok. God was watching over us all night.
“We fell asleep to the sounds of the tireless firefighters and volunteers using chainsaws to try to reach everyone. This morning, we woke up to find a giant pine tree that missed our home, where we held our babies, by six inches.
“ALL these material things can be replaced, but lives cannot.
“Again this morning, we hear crews working to get to us. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! We know you would much rather be with your families this morning, but you chose someone else. “

Note from Cheryl Dowden: I know everyone is grateful, but it would be nice to see your comments for the Freemans and those involved with the post-tornado effort. Some of them will undoubtedly read this article, and a display of our concern and/or gratitude would count for a lot. Thanks!
Click this link to watch a short video:
Compiled by Cheryl Dowden; Photography and videography provided by Jennifer Freeman
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Thank you to all who have helped!
So thankful that your family is safe. What a terrifying night! We were at Liberty bowling alley and could have been driving home on DeSoto if it had struck a little later. I read about a lady following her daughter home when trees started starting falling all around. God was so good to protect everyone.
Thank God the family is OK. We will continue to pray for you and your recovery!
Thank you so much! This experience has been very humbling.
Praise God! He had his loving arms around you.
Are there immediate needs I can help with?
Balboa Baptist Church is reaching out to help those in need.
We have no needs, thank you so much. Our insurance has been nothing but amazing. We are staying with friends now until we can find temporary housing. The outpouring of prayers and help from everyone has been nothing short of overwhelming!
We are truly blessed by an amazing tribe ❤️
I’m so glad the family is OK. Do they need anything that I can do to help?
This is one of the reasons we call #HotSpringsVillage home. Thank you to all the first responders — fire, police, EMT’s, HSV employees such as the public service crews, road crews and communications department, those from surrounding county and state agencies, electric workers, cable providers, churches, and organizations who are assisting. Thank you Cheryl Dowden for ensuring we are receiving timely and accurate news. It truly takes a village.
Thank you, Diane. – Cheryl
Y’all ROCK❣️ Enjoy some much needed comic relief by James Gregory about dealing with weather …
Praise God you are all safe! You are right, things cal be replaced but lives cannot. This place we call home is truly Heaven on earth. You are living proof! May God keep you all safe and I know the community will help you all. Please let us know what your immediate needss are.