Everyone hates change. We get used to our routines and fall into a “comfort zone” that gets harder and harder to get out of when a change comes about. I get that. But change is not a bad thing. Without change, we would not be exposed to newer and better products and services that will actually make our lives easier. All we have to do is keep an open mind about the change and try it. We might find that we like it more than the old way of doing things.
The Hot Springs Village POA Information Technology (IT) Department has been working since January 2022 on improving both what we do and how we do it, and in the process, improving the lives of our members and residents. The culmination of that work will take place on November 1st with the implementation of NorthStar, the new management software suite that the POA will use to manage many of our daily operations. And with that comes a new and improved member interface in the form of a new Member Portal.
Why are we doing this? Over the past several years, the POA has utilized a myriad of different software packages to maintain operations. These software packages don’t always talk to each other and are not always user-friendly or efficient. When Kelly Hale took the helm of the POA, he mandated all department directors to clean up our operations, improve efficiency, and do it all while saving money. NorthStar is the IT Department’s answer to that mandate. Here are a few of the benefits of the new software:
- Efficiency and process improvements across Accounting, Compliance, Public Services, Recreation, and Golf departments
- Consolidating multiple processes, applications, and data into a single cloud-based application and interface.
- Reducing on-site IT infrastructure, reducing the amount of hardware, and ultimately reducing maintenance costs.
For you, the member:
- A better member portal where:
- The information you need most is easier to find.
- Everything you need is in one place, such as tee time bookings, tennis court bookings, concert and event tickets, event calendars, request forms, and more.
- Added functionality – pickleball court bookings and online statements.
- HUGE cost savings to you, the members. This implementation and consolidating multiple applications into one will save the POA, ultimately you, over $100,000 annually. Those funds could be used for other MUCH-needed infrastructure projects that have fallen behind over the years because “we didn’t have the money.”
Change is hard, but it doesn’t have to be bad. All I ask of you is to bear with us while we implement this software and get proficient, keep an open mind, and try the new portal. You might find that you like it more. I think you will.
By Will Rainwater – IT Manager, HSVPOA

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