On August 16, 2023, Bob Pettey, Chair of the Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC), updated the HSV Board of Directors on the last six months of committee activities.

Pettey said,

“Currently, the GAC is focusing on four main projects:

  • Exploring grant opportunities for which the Village may be eligible;
  • Expanding healthcare opportunities in the Village

“As previously mentioned, the POA Staff and Keith Keck are working hard to bring reliable, affordable, high-speed broadband service to underserved areas of the Village. Stephanie Heffer from the GAC is assisting them in that effort.

“In terms of grant opportunities, GAC member Bob Nettles has been conducting several meetings to not only identity potential sources of grant money but also to identify the stumbling blocks that impede the village’s efforts to get grants and ways to reposition the Village to increase the Village’s eligibility for grants. A report on his efforts is expected to be ready in November.

Governmental Affairs Committee Updates Hot Springs Village Board Directors
Bob Pettey, Chair of the GAC Committee, Updates Board

“In 2021, the University of Arkansas produced its third economic impact study, which found that the Village had a 397 million dollar impact on the economy in 2020. I have asked Arnie Holtberg to meet with the University to find ways to decrease the cost of that report and make it more user-friendly.

“Finally, Ron Davis continues to work on expanding healthcare opportunities in the Village. Two new CHI doctors – Doctors Tischer and Pierson, also new Village residents – will attend the next GAC meeting. Doctor Tischer is scheduled to open her practice at the CHI West Gate Clinic on September 1, and Dr. Pierson is practicing at the CHI clinic on Ponce de Leon. Both doctors are accepting new patients.”

Report by Bob Pettey, Governmental Affairs Committee Chairperson

*Go here to take the broadband speed test.

Cover image: Bob Pettey Gives GAC Presentation at August 16, 2023 Board Meeting